DH 230 quiz 9

The main purpose of a sports mouth guard is to keep the airway open.TrueFalse

False (To help protect the teeth and supporting structures during contact sports)

When a soft mouth guard is prescribed by the dentist, fabrication may be done by the dental hygienist.TrueFalse

True (The dental assistant, dental hygienist, laboratory technician can do)

Patients who grind their teeth heavily and frequently should have a soft acrylic guard.TrueFalse


Custom fit sport and night guards are readily available over the counter.TrueFalse


The most difficult stains to remove are tetracycline. These stains are caused by a hereditary condition.Both statements are trueThe first statement is false; the second statement is trueBoth statements are falseThe first statement is true; the second statement is false

The first statement is true; the second statement is false

Whitening procedures should be avoided if the patient has any of the following except:open carious lesionshypersensitive teethinability to give informed consentgingivitis
