
What religion did the Spanish introduce to the Philippines?


What was the main administrative unit in the Philippines under the Spanish?

the province

Who held supreme authority in the Philippines under the Spanish?

The Governor-General

When was the Tayabas mutiny?


Whose execution led To Tayabas mutiny in 1843?

Execution of the Filipino priest, Apolinario de la Cruz

What did Jose Rizal write?

He wrote Noil Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Why did Jose Rizal write 'El Filibusterismo'?

to criticize the Spanish government

Who founded Liga Filipina in 1892?

Jose Rizal

Who founded the secret society, Katipunan, in 1892?

Andres Bonifacio

When was the Cavite mutiny?


Which agreement brought the 1896 revolution to an end?

Pact of Biacnabato

Which territory was not given to the USA by Spain in the Treaty of Paris (1898)?


Which important event occurred in the Philippines in 1901?

The revolution led by Emilio Aguinaldo was defeated by the Americans

Why did two Filipino delegates travel to Washington in 1902?

to observe the US Congress in action

Which political party was led by Pedro A. Paterno?

Independence Party (formed in 1902)

Who was the American President when the United States of America decided to occupy the Philippines?


Who was the first leader of Kalibapi?


When was the Pact of Biacnabato?


Who reorganized the Philippine Commission in 1913?

Francis Burton Harrison, the Governor-General of the Philippines

Who was the Governor-General of the Philippines when the Jones Act was passed in 1916?

Francis Burton Harrison

What was the most important export for the Philippines in the 1920s?


The policies of which Governor-General led to mass resignations from government by Filipinos in 1923?

Leonard Wood (appointed as Governor-General in 1921)

Before the Second World War the United States had promised the Philippines independence after an apprenticeship of how long?

10 years

According to the Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934), when would the Philippines become fully independent?

July 1946

Where did Japanese forces land in December 1941?


By the end of 19th Century, what percentage of the FIlipinos had learned to speak Spanish?


Which group of Filipinos organised the Propaganda Movement?


What were the beliefs of the Propaganda Movement?

1) in favour of freedom of speech2) loyal to Spanish Crown (king)3) wanted religious orders removed and parishes run by Filipino priests4) Filipinos and Spanish were equal5) Philippines should be a province of Spain and should have representatives in Spanish Parliament

What was the belief of Katipunan?

1) believed in radicalism (wanted revolution)2) wanted all Spanish removed from Philippines3) wanted complete independence from Spain

What was the 1912 policy of Filipinisation?

appointing Filipinos to government posts

Who passed the policy of Filipinisation?

Francis Burton Harrison, the Governor-General of Philippines (appointed in 1912)

Which Governor-General's firm approach led to resignations from the Council of State in 1923?

Leonard Wood (Governor-General of Philippines appointed in 1921)

When did the Japanese first land in the Philippines in World War II?

December 1942

What did the 1932 Hare-Hawes Cutting Act say?

Filipinos could have independence after a ten-year period

Who did Roxas beat in April 1946 to become the first President of the independent Philippines?


What best describes the Philippines after July 1946?

Politically independent

Where was Hukbalahap based?


What was Hukbalahap?

Communist resistance army against Japanese occupation

What best describes Philippines after its independence?

Philippines became a republic

Who was the first elected President of the Republic of the Philippines?

Manuel Roxas