Sixty Lights


Global. Sixty Lights is a layered meditation on loss and grief and of finding joy in unexpected flashes, it is a passionate and somehow lonely book about the in-between parts of life; which are ultimately flawed. The novel dives into the life of Lucy Strange, an independent girl growing up in the Victorian world who moves between Australia, England and India, fascinated by light and photography - touching the lives of all that know her. Thesis. 3 points.

Global for structure and language

Prose serves as a judgement of individual experiences, enhanced through its technical devices.

Global for structure

Prose serves as a judgement of individual experiences, enhanced through its structure.

Global for POV

Focalising on a variety of perspectives functions to develop themes and meanings in a novel.

Global for reading strategy

Readers are able to discover meanings and ideas by applying different strategies.

4 ideas


Development from child to adulthood quotes


Celebrating imperfections/maculate world quotes


Exercising choice regardless of circumstance quotes


Grief/trauma quotes


POV question - The 3 ideas you will use and how


Structure question - The 3 ideas you will use and how


Language question - The 3 ideas you will use and how


Reading strategy question - The 3 ideas you will use and how


Audience Expectations for Sixty Lights

I expected Lucy to - Continue to feel the same way for Mrs Minchin- Not have a passion for the downfalls of the world - like many of her time did - Be shaped by her own circumstances and expectations/restrictions for women - Be changed by her loss, that it would damage her - this was fulfilled/highlighted


Production context is evident given Lucy pursues her own passions, unlike the women of her time who were restricted by their family role.