Ap psych module 1

Critical thinking

Thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions, but examines assumptions, appraisers the source, discern hidden biases, evaluate evidence, and assess his conclusions.


The idea that knowledge comes from experience, in the observation and experimentation enable scientific knowledge.


Early school of thought promoted by Wundt and tircjener; used introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind


The process of "looking inward" and examining oneself and one's own actions in order to gain insight


Really school of thought promoted by James in influenced by Darwin; explored how mental and behavioral processes function how they enable to organism to adapt, survive, and force


The view that psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes. Most research psychologist today agree with but not with.

Humanistic psychology

Historically significant perspective that emphasize the growth potential of healthy people in the individuals potential for personal growth

Wilheim Wundt

Set up for psychological laboratory; theory of structuralism

G Stanley Hall

First American to work for Wundt; founded of the American psychological Association and became the first person

Edward titchener

Structuralism, introspection

William James

Founder of functionalism; studied how humans use perception to function in our environment

Mary whiton calkins

First female president of the APA (1905); a student of William James; denied the PhD she earned from Harvard because of her sex

John b Watson

Behaviorism; emphasis on external behaviors of people and their reactions on a given situation; famous for a little Albert study in which baby was taught to fear a white rat and other toys

B.F. skinner

Behaviorism; pioneer in the operate conditioning; behavior is based on an organism reinforcement history; worked with pigeons

Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician who is work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; sounded psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic psychology

A branch of psychology that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior, and uses that information to treat people with psychological disorders. Influenced by the pioneering work of Sigmund fraud, emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts in determining behavior and personality.

Carl rogers

Humanistic, self-concept and unconditional positive regard Drive personality

Abraham Maslow

Humanistic psychologist known for his " hierarchy of needs" in the concept of "self actualization

Margaret floy Washburn

First female to be awarded a PhD in psychology; 2nd president of the APA (1921)