SE: Human Anatomy and Physiology: Integration and Control

the ___ governs people's consciousness, their personalities, how they learn, and their ability to memorize

nervous system

Working with the endocrine system, the nervous system regulates and maintains


The nervous system is anatomically divided into two parts:

Center and Peripheral

The ______ is comprised of the brain and spinal cord. It is where information processing and control occurs.

central nervous system

The _____ is comprised of the nerves associated with the CNS. It connects all nerves of the body to the CNS.

peripheral nervous system

There are two types of fibers in the PNS:

afferent and efferent

_____ transmit impulses from organs and tissues of the body to the CNS

afferent fibers

____ transmit impulses from the CNS to the organs and tissues of the body.

efferent fibers

The PNS is further divided into the

somatic and autonomic nervous systems

The ______ primarily controls voluntary activities such as walking and riding a bicycle. Thus, this system sends information to the CNS and motor nerve fibers that are attached to skeletal muscle.

somatic nervous system

The ____ is responsible for activities that are non-voluntary and under unconscious control.

autonomic nervous system

Because the autonomic nervous system controls glands and the smooth muscles of internal organs, it governs activities ranging from heart rate to ___ and ___

breathing and digestion.

the autonomic nervous system is further divided into the

Sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system

The ___ nervous system focuses on emergency situations by preparing the body for fight or flight.


The ____ nervous system controls involuntarily processes unrelated to emergencies. This system deals with "rest or digest" activities.


TEST TIP: The first letter in the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system can be used to tell them apart:

Sympathetic = stress Parasympathetic = peace


Information is gathered (both internally and externally) and carried to the CNS. The senses gather the information that the sensory nervous system transmits.


The integrative nervous system is where the CNS process and interprets information received from the sensory nerves.


Motor nerves convey information that is processed by the CNS to muscles and glands.

The ____ is a mass of tissue that is made of billions of nerve cells called neurons. This complex organ controls a wide range of processes and integrates information received from the five senses.


Protected by the skull, the brain consists of four cavities called


the brain cavities (ventricles) are filled with _____, which surrounds the CNS. This fluid serves many purposes such as protecting the brain from physical shocks and removing wastes from the neural tissue in the brain.

cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

*TEST TIPS* The lobes (of the brain) are named after the bones of the skull that protect each lobe. For example, the frontal bone protects the frontal lobe.

look at pic

the brain is divided into three regions

cerebellum, brainstem, cerebrum

This is found beneath the cerebrum and behind the brainstem. It helps coordinate body movements, posture, and balance.


This is found between the thalamus and the spinal cord. It is the lowest part of the brain that connects the brain with the spinal cord.


Unconscious functions like breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure are controlled by the


This part of the brain is the largest and part of the forebrain


The ____ controls higher-order functions such as interpreting touch, speech and language, reasoning, emotions, and fine motor control.


The ___ is grey (or gray) matter that surrounds the entire cerebrum. It is divided into a left and right hemisphere

cerebral cortex

The ridges of the cerebral cortex are called


the grooves of the cerebral cortex are called


The very large grooves of the cerebral cortex are called


The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes: the

frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobe.

The ____ is the most complex part of the brain, and each lobe has specific functions

cerebral cortex

frontal lobe function

Processes high-level cognitive skills, reasoning, concentration, motor skills, language, and functions as a control center for emotions

parietal lobe function

Integration site for visual perception and sensory information such as touch, pain, and pressure

temporal lobe function

Organizes sounds and processes language that is heard. Helps form memories, speech perception, and language skills.

occipital lobe function

Interprets visual stimuli and information

Grey mater is a type of neural tissue that contains three types of neurons, which are nerve cells that make up the nervous system:

sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons

Afferent nerve cells that send information toward the CNS. This information is what is sensed, using the five senses, from the external environment

sensory neurons

Efferent nerve cells that carry impulses away from the CNS to the effectors, which are typically tissues and muscles of the body.

motor neurons

Nerve cells that act as a bridge between motor and sensory neurons in the CNS. These neurons help form neural circuits, which helps neurons communicate with each other.


_____ is found in the spinal cord and surrounds the grey matter. It contains bundles of interneurons.

White matter

Another part of the forebrain includes the ______, which controls emotions and memory. As shown in the image, this system is found right beneath the cerebral cortex and sits above the brainstem.

limbic system

Four major structures of the brain comprise the limbic system:

hypothalamus, amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus

Found below the thalamus, this structure plays a role in regulating the autonomic nervous system. It is primarily concerned with homeostasis and regulates various activities such as hunger, anger, and the response to pain.


The ____ works with the pituitary gland from the endocrine system. This gland uses hormones, or chemical messengers, to generate responses in the body.


Recognized as the aggression center, areas of this region produces feelings such as anger, violence, fear, and anxiety


Different sensory inputs come through the nerves and end at the ____, which directs this information to various parts of the cerebral cortex.


The sense of ____ is the only sense that bypasses the thalamus.


Information related to ___ is also processed by the thalamus.


Helps convert short-term memory to long-term memory. If this structure is destroyed, new memories cannot be formed but old memories are retained.


__________ is a condition that includes destruction of the amygdala. This means a person will present with erratic emotional behavior symptoms like hypersexuality, compulsive eating, and putting objects in the mouth.

Kluver-Bucy syndrome

the nervous system is comprised of specialized cells called


A large network of neurons work together to

quickly send and receive messages throughout the body

A neuron's structure is designed to transmit electric signals before they are transmitted as

chemical signals to a target cell

The following three basic parts make up a single nerve cell:

cell body, dendrites, and axons

This is the main part of the neuron that contains the nucleus of the nerve cell. Also called the soma, other organelles are also found in the cell body.

Cell body

These are appendages attached to the cell body that receive signals from other neurons


This is the long structure attached to the cell body. It conducts and transmits information to other cells.


Branches at the end of the axon form _____. These branches facilitate communication between neurons and target cells.

axon terminals

Neuroglial cells do not conduct nerve impulses like neurons. Rather, they provide support and ____

protect neurons

Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglial cell, and ependymal cells are the four major types of _____ in the CNS. Schwann and satellite cells are in the PNS.

neuroglial cells

The _____ is a protein and lipid structure produced by a type of glial cell called a Schwann cell

myelin sheath

The myelin sheath functions like a blanket that provides a layer of insulation around the axon of a neuron, increasing the speed of

electrical signal transmission

Regularly spaced gaps called _____ are found between the myelinated sheaths. Electric signals jump from one node to the next, thereby increasing the speed of signal transmission.

nodes of Ranvier

Several diseases cause degeneration of the myelin sheath, or ___. One example is multiple sclerosis


When demyelination occurs, it can lead to severe neurological problems like

motor and cognitive function.

Demyelination ____ the speed at which neural impulses are transmitted along the axon.


The electric signals neurons transmit are called

neural impulses

Neurons must be excited to create a ____. A stimulus triggers excitation

nerve impulse

At the resting state, the inside of the neuron is more negatively charged, while the outside of the neuron is more positively charged. This difference in electrical charge because of potassium and sodium ions establishes the

resting potential.

As a person ages, the rate of _____, or ability for the brain to form neural connections through synapses, decreases.


Neuroplasticity is important because it helps the brain adapt to new stimulation, damage, or

changes in the environment.

During the _____, a reverse in electrical charge occurs across the membrane of a neuron in its resting state. As shown in the following image, this happens when a neuron receives a neural impulse by way of a stimulus or a chemical signal from another neuron. The inside of the neuron becomes more positively charged, while the outside of the neuron becomes more negatively charged. This reverse in charge travels down the axon as an electric current.

action potential

Steps of an electrical synapse

1. Once the action potential reaches the terminal bulbs of the axon terminal, the synaptic transmission process begins. The sequential numbers in the image outline the steps of synaptic transmission. The details of each numbered step are outlined below:An action potential travels down the axon and reaches the terminal branches of the axon. Voltage gated sodium gates open, causing sodium to enter the axon terminal bulb.2. Voltage gated Ca2+ channels open at the same time.3. Calcium ions move into the axon terminal bulb of the presynaptic neuron.4. Calcium ions bind with proteins on synaptic vesicles that carry chemical messages called neurotransmitters.5. This binding causes the vesicles to contract and move to the presynaptic membrane.6. Neurotransmitters are released from the vesicles via exocytosis and diffuse across the synaptic cleft.7. Neurotransmitters bind with receptors on the postsynaptic membrane of a neuron, gland, or muscle.8. Depending on what the postsynaptic target cell is, the following responses will happen:- Axon to dendrite: Action potential travels to next neuron.- Axon and muscle cell: Muscle contraction.- Axon and gland: Hormones released from gland.