Refugee Study Guide

What is a Bar Mitzvah?

The coming of age ceremony for a Jewish boy

What is munity?

revolt, especially of soldiers or sailors against their officers

Well, she couldn't choose. How could she? So my brother chose for her.


No! I don't want my baby to be born in Cuba.

Isabel's mother

You said if I was quiet, if I stood very still, they wouldn't come for me.

Josef's father

Jewish rats.


We will cruise the American coast and make appeals to President Roosevelt.

Captain Schroeder

She's a baby. She won't take up any room!


Stay here? After you have beaten me? Locked up my family like common criminals?

Mahmouds Dad

You're not much to look at, are you, kitty?


Which point of view is the novel narrated from (1st/2nd/3rd)?

3rd person

Why does the author use plenty of figurative language in Refugee?

To paint a picture in the reader's head.

What are 2 possible central themes of the novel?

You need to persevere through challenges in life.In times of despair you need to have courage and get through it.

.The novel's closing words are "It felt like home." Why did the author probably choose these words?

He wants to show the importance of homes for refugees. Refugees are always searching for a home.

Destruction and violence in the city of Aleppo was mainly caused when this person took certain actions. Who was the person and what actions were taken?

Bashar Al-Assad, turned against his own people and attacked them with bombs.

The narrator states: The air was full of dust, and it scratched and tore at his throat as it went down, but Mahmoud had never tasted anything so sweet. Identify the figurative language in the statement. (Two types of figurative language here).

Metaphor and Hyperbole

How does Mahmoud and his family feel about the boat they will be taking to Greece once they finally see it?

They were disappointed because they thought it would be a big ship, but it was a tiny raft.

Something happens to Mahmoud's father that causes him to undergo a change in his personality. What is that incident?

He was beaten by the guards in prison. It led him to become way more serious about things

What action does Mahmoud do that inspires others?

Mahmoud kicked open the door and left the prison. The others were inspired by his bravery and cour

What incident in the setting of Havana advances the plot (moves the plot forward)?

The riot when Isabel's Dad was taken moved the plot on.

Why do the policemen shoot at Isabel's boat when it's leaving Cuba?

They shot at Isabel's boat because they weren't allowed to leave because they are police.

What information does Isabel's memory of her grandmother's death provide the reader?

It tells more about Isabel's family and shows that they had many tragedies in the past.

From the actions of the tourists in the Bahamas, what can we infer about the tourists?

They were very caring, compassionate, and kind because they offered them food, water, and medicine.

The author reveals a connection between Isabel's story and Josef's story? What is it?

In Joseph's story, Josef's dad jumps overboard and Lito, Isabel's Grandpa, saves him from drowning.

Which person rode the SS St. Louis in Refugee


Why wouldn't Cuba and America let the boat in?

Anti Semitism, People Taking Jobs, They met their Quota.

What is a another name for Kristallnacht?

The Night of Broken Glass

When was Kristallnacht?

November 9-10, 1938

Who is the leader of the 1994 Cuban rafter Crisis?

Fidel Castro