scientific process


procedure carried out to observe, study, or test something in order to learn more.


information collected during an investigation


uses evidence to support a claim

Scientific investigation=Scientific method= does not go in a set order

1. Always start with a QUESTION! And research! 2. Make a hypothesis using If_________ then _______ (no opinions in science) 3. Plan an experiment or investigation with controlled conditions.(repeated at least 3 times!) Step 3: decide on your variable or conditions in your experiment you will change and not change •Step 4: Conduct the experiment using procedures or the step by step directions •Step 5: write down your observations and create a graph to organize it. (more information the better!). Step 6: Draw conclusions based on your data and results. Conclusions must be supported by evidence. Check if your hypothesis is right or wrong. •Step 7: Check if your hypothesis is right or wrong. Your conclusion can cause you to ask a new question and START AGAIN.


a procedure used to test a hypothesis. Scientist control all conditions of an investigation except ONE!

independent variable

the one thing you change (example the liquid used to water plant

dependent variable

the change that happens because of the independent variable (example the height or health of the plant)

controlled variable

A variable that is not changed constant (example type of plant used, pot size, amount of liquid, soil type


A testable prediction, often implied by a theory