culinary 1 vocabulary


A restaurant's unique combination of menu offerings, pricing, service style, ambiance and decor.


In ancient Greece, these were private clubs that offered food to members.


Also in ancient Greece, these were establishments that catered to travelers, traders, and visiting diplomats.

Haute Cuisine

An elaborate and refined system of food preparation.


A coffeehouse. The first opened in 1650 in Oxford, England.


Associations of people with similar interests or professions. In ancient times, each guild controlled the production of its specialities and could prevent others from making and selling the same items.


The origin of our modern word restaurant. Named in 1765 by a man named Boulanger that began serving hot soups called restaurers (meaning restoratives) for their health-restoring properties.


An assembly-line process of serving food quickly and cheaply without the need for servers. Began in California during the middle of the gold rush.


A person who starts and runs a business, taking on financial risk to do so.


Introduced by August Escoffier, the King of the Kitchen, it is a person who takes orders from servers and calls out the orders to the various production areas in the kitchen.