
a patient is experiencing diuresis. which statement is an accurate explanation?

increase in atrial natriuretic peptide

which of the following is a risk factor for post obstructive diuresis?


a patient presents with flank pain and anuria followed by polyuria after undergoing catheterization of the ureters. what is the most likely case of this condition?

post-renal acute kidney injury

a patient is born with abnormal differentiation of renal tissues. which of the following medical terms describes this condition?

renal dysplasia

a patient is experiencing proteinuria, hypuproteinmia, hyperlipidemia and edema. the nurse suspect which condition?

nephrotic syndrom

which of the following hormones inhibits follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) synthesis and secretion?


a 45- year female is experiencing menopause. which of the following would be expected to accompany this condition?

increase FSH and LH

which of the following is true regarding the pulmonary system?

the larynx connects the upper and lower airways

A patient has bulbous enlargement of the distal segments of the fingers. Which disease is associated with this condition? A. Cystic fibrosisB. Acute pneumoniaC. Sickle cell diseaseD. Acute myocardial infarction

cystic fibrosis

which of the following us true regarding the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)?

cause several pulmonary edema

which of the following is true regarding the pathophysiology of asthma?

inflammation results in hyper responsiveness

a patient has right ventricular enlargement secondary to pulmonary hypertension. which of the following would be the most likely diagnosis?

cor pulmonate

a child is born prematurely and requires respiratory support. the child experiences neonatal lungs injury and several weeks later develops hypoxemia and hypercapnia. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

a female patient previously diagnosed with PMS, presents with exaggerated feelings of depression and moodiness; abdominal, back and pelvic pain and fatigues. which of the following phrase of the menstrual cycle is she most likely experiencing ?


what is the most likely cause for the increase in the number of diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ since the 1980s?

widespread adoption of screening

which of the following is true regarding torsion of the testis?

it is surgical emergency

which male reproductive disorder is associated with mumps?


which of the following found in the liver sinusoids are important for healing liver injury and are bactericidal?

kupffer cells

bites is produced by which organ?


a female patient undergoes gastric resection. following surgery, she experience intermittent severe pain and epigastric fullness

afferent loop obstruction

which of the following is true regarding cholelithiasis?

cholesterol stone are the most important common

an inherited disease associated with pancreatic enzyme deficiency is?

cystic fibrosis

which of the following is true regarding the human skeleton?

the axial skeleton consist of the skull, vertebral column and thorax

the type of joint connected by a joint capsule is a:

synovial joint

which term is characteristic for a fracture in which one context is perforated and the spongy bone is splintered?


which disease is characterized by an increase in uria acid level?


which childhood musculoskeletal disorder is characterized by epiphyseal neurosis or degeneration of the heal of the femur?

legg- calve- perches

an example of a common benign bone tumor is children is:

nonossifying fibroma

which of the following skin condition is caused by a bacterial infection?


which if the following skin conditions is benign ?

actinic keratosis

which of the following is the function unit for kidneys ?


the onset of clinical of signs of puberty before the age of 8 is known as:

precocious puberty

the medical condition that causes a prolong penile erection is known as?


active immunity

natural and vaccination

passive immunity

maternal and artificial

interstitial cerebral edema

results from acute obstructive hydrocephalus

functions of hypothalamus

homeostasis, endocrine control via the pituitary glands, autonomic control and limbic function

helicopter pylori infection

a type of bacteria that is infects your stomach

SLS diabetes insipidus

extreme thirst and orination


an increase in the normal of white cells in the blood especially during an infection

clubbing fingers

disease, often of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen

flail chest

defines as two or more contiguous rib with two or more breaks per rib

what is the most common chronic disease and malignancy on children?


the four blood cells compositions:

plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells. platelets

tines capitis

a skin disorder that affects children almost exclusively


A condition in which lacks of enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body 's tissue (low hemoglobin)