2.1 The Bible

39 books - Genesis, Malachi - Hebrew


27 books - 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke n John - Greek

two main sources of moral teachings

the natural law (human nature) n divine law (revealed by god)

Ethical Teachings

The Sermon on the Mount - where jesus taught disciples and other followers

Biblical inerrancy

the teaching that the Bible presents faithfully and without error the truths that God revealed for our salvation

John Calvin (natural theology)

everyone has a sense of diversity, god is universal, we can know god within ourselves

The Bible as Revealed Theology

god has made himself known through history

Natural Revelation

what God communicates to us about himself simply through the existence of creation


mystical experience - god passing on his teachings as a form of religious experience

Propositional Revelation

The idea that God reveals himself in truth statements. To say that the Bible is an example of this is to say that the Bible is a series of truth statements - people who receive these are prophets

Non-Propositional Revelation

The idea that God does not reveal facts or information during the process of revelation. God makes himself known during the experience.

St Teresa

experienced visions of JC, most famous mysical experience

4 Stages of the ascent

(Devotion of) Heart, Peace, Union, Ecstasy

F.C Happold

two types of mysticism : love n union, knowledge n understanding

Love n Union

longing to escape one's loneliness n feeling separate - two urges that govern us all, to be an individual, to be accepted in some way

Knowledge n Understanding

secret of the universe, we want to know the whole story

Bible Interpretation

literary, form, redaction, historical (criticism)

literary criticism

the bible in its final form n analyses the literary methods n biblical authors

form criticism

analysis of the Bible by tracing the history of its content of parables, psalms, and other literary forms

redaction criticism

Examines how the various editors put together their sources and arranged them

historical criticism

tries to determine the historical context of the biblical text

Geological Context (Campania)