World History Unit 1


complex cultures that devoloped fiver characteristics

what five characteristics does civilization have

Advanced cities, workers,institutions, record keeping, and technology

How do archeologists study the past

through artifacts

what are artifacts

human made objects

what do archeologists study

bones and artifacts

what do anthropologists study


what does cullture mean

a person's unique way of life

what do paleontologists study


what are fossils

plant or animal remains reserved in rock

when did Mary Leakey's team discover phrehistoric footprints in tanzania


Whe did Donald johanson's team find female Hominid in Ethiopia


When did Homo erectus appear?

1.9 million to 50,000 year ago

what does technoolgy mean

application of tools and inventions- to dig,scrape, cut, and hunt

What was the first Hominid to use fire, migrate from africa, move from asia to europe, and be the first to devolop language

Homo erectus

hong long ago did neandethals live

200,000 to 300,00 year ago

where did neanderthals live

Europe and Southwest Africa

what did neanderthals live in

caves or shelters made of wood and skin

what did neanderthals do

fashioned stone blades and other tools

what did pro magons look like

modern humans

homo sapiens

species name for modern humans , likely branching out from neanderthals

what things suggest tool making began before poeple roginaly though

stone tools

what suggest neanderthals might have made music

bone fluets

what year were hominid artifacts discovered in russia


how many specialized tools did cro-magnons have

more than 100

neolithic Revotion

agriculture revolution, began about 10,000 years ago

what are reasons of agriculture revolution

rising temputures probaly a key reason, longer growing season, dryer land for wild grasses, constant supply of food led to population growth

Slash and burn farming

clear land by cutting and burning


taming wild animals

in what year were remains of villages found


where was Jericho located

Modern-day West bank, near Jordan river

what year did researchers discover learg stone monuments under ground


advanced cities

cities with large population arise, become centers of trade

specialized workers

skilled or artisans make fine products

complex institutions

Governments, Religions, and Economies develop to maintain order

record kepping

Professional scribes and development of Cuneiform and other systems of writing

advanced technology

New tools & techniques, including the use of bronze