Physical science

What is a way of learning about the natural world through observation logical thinking


Various organize methods of investigating problems and answering questions

Scientific inquiry

The study of matter and energy and the changes that matter and energy Undergo

physical science

Posting questions, making observations and inferences, developing hypothesis, and conducting experiments

Skills used by scientist

The facts and information you learned from observations


Logical thinking about observations or prior knowledge


A possible explanation for Observation that relate to a scientific question. It must be testable by observation or experimentation


In every experiment you must have what two variables

Manipulated and responding variables

The variable that the scientist changes also called the independent variable

Manipulated variable

The variable that changes because of the manipulated variable also called dependent variable

Responding variable

An investigation we're all variables except one remains the same

Controlled experiment

Includes measurements or numbers

Quantitive data

Includes descriptions (color, odor, sound)

Qualitative data

A statement that describes what scientist expect to happen every time under a set of conditions

Scientific law

Oh well tested idea that explains and connect a wide range of observations

Scientific theory

Makes up everything in the universe


The study of the properties of matter and how matter changes


A substance that cannot be broken down into any other substance


What is a substance made of two or more elements that have been chemically combined in a specific ratio

A compound

Combinations of symbols that show the ratio of elements in a compound


A substance that is made of two or more substances, elements or compounds that are not chemically combined


A change that alters the form or appearance of a material but does not change the material into a new substance

Physical change

A change that produces a new substance

chemical change

The measures of the force of gravity on an object


The measure of the amount of matter an object contains. This never changes with gravity


System scientist use to measure the properties of matter

International system of units (SI)

The amount of space that matter occupies, S I unit is leader (L)


The measure of the amount of mass that is contained in a given volume


Density equals

Mass over volume

1.0 g/mL

Waters density

Who Call the smallest piece of matter that could not be divided a "Adams


Smallest particle of matter


Stated that atoms cannot be broken down into smaller pieces, in any element all the atoms are alike, atoms in different elements are different, atoms of two or more elements can be combine to form compounds, atoms of each element have a unique mass, the mass of the element in a compound are always in a constant ratio.

Dalton's six conclusions about atoms

Used today to see Adams

Scanning tunneling microscope

The force that holds atoms together

Chemical bond

A combination of two or more atoms bonded together


Gold can be separated from other materials by means of


Rock containing a metal or other useful material


Must take place to obtain an element from its compound

A chemical reaction

One method to break down compounds. An electric current is used to break the chemical bond


Metal strip to use to carry the electrons during electrolysis


Often used to separate iron from it ore

Blast furnace