primary source
A document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study.
secondary source
A secondhand account of an event or a retelling of another person's observations written by someone who did not witness or actually participate in the events. Includes sources that combine, synthesize, and or interpret information from primary sources. Examples include encyclopedias, textbooks, and reviews.
Showing extreme favor or preference
Historical fact
something that can be proven to be true
Historical Interpretation
interpreting events by integrating the perceived meaning and significance of the events
Before the birth of Christ
Before Common Era
after death
Common Era (same as AD)
Why did they change from BC and AD
Too western and Christian
10 years
100 years
a period of one thousand years
people who move from place to place in search of food
Mesopotamia's firsts
First government (theocracy), first religions(monotheistic and polytheistic), civilization, social class system, empire
Mesopotamia legacies
First permanent civilization
Babylonian king who codified the laws of Sumer and Mesopotamia (died 1750 BC)
very harsh people who exploited the use of iron weapons to build their Mesopotamian empire, which lasted less than 100 years. they had a king with absolute power
Egypt Legacies and accomplishments
Theocracy (ruled by pharaohs), hieroglyphs, mummification, pyramids
Indus River Valley Civilization
Isolated by mountains and rivers, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa(advanced civilizations, city grid, sewer, indoor plumbing), home of Hinduism, monsoons played a huge role in agriculture, caste system
Ancient China accomplishments
Greta wall of china, silk roads, very stable govt, MOH
Dynastic Cycle
rise and fall of Chinese dynasties according to the Mandate of Heaven
Mandate of Heaven
a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source
A government ruled by a king or queen hereditary rule
Ruled by rich family
A government ruled by a few powerful people
Government for the people by the people by the people
limited democracy
Government that includes voting but does not allow everyone to vote (in 18th century generally only white, land-owning males could vote)
Greece's culture
Had 2000 different islands so there were many different cultures. Lots of cultural diffusion.
Greece Exports and Imports
Export- olive oil, wine, marble.Import- grains, metals, ideas
Sparta vs. Athen
Sparta- based around military, boys go starting at age 7, oligarchy, idea of rich is military leaders, don't like interacting with other polis unless for war, strictly military, Athens-limited democracy(only citizens can participate), everyone get education, rich women never leave house, sign of wealth for slaves to do all work.
Alexander the Great
Between 334 and 323 B.C.E. he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, and spread Greek culture across the Middle East.
Roman Culture
Full of fertile land, Christianity( Jesus born ≈ 4 BC, Roman government see him as a threat, put through public execution, Roman tolerance for religion did not apply to Christianity, 313 AD Christianity become official religion of Roman Empire), culture( borrow mostly from Rome, Greco-Roman culture, literacy, poetry shows Rome is just as good as Greece, histories make Rome seem better than it was, art used realism(realistic art, every small detail), grand architecture tired to be better than Greece, aqueducts, math and science, mostly leave science to the Greeks.
Rome takes over Carthage and Greece, by 133 BC Roman Empire spans from Spain to Egypt to Asia Minor, leads to new class of wealth, growing gap between rich and poor: will always lead to civil war.
Julius Caesar
Loves conquering land(Veni, Vidi, Vici), pressures senate to make him dictator and eventually has complete control over Rome, gives land, money, jobs to poor, introduces Julian calendar, murdered by his friend Brutus on march 15, 44 BC
Augustus Caesar
adds new month to Calendar, august, organizes a government that stays stable for 200 years.
Fall of the Roman Empire
Since Rome did not believe in hereditary rule, after Augustus died many people wanted to be in charge and they fought over the position. This lead to many issues. The economy also began to decline rapidly,, there were many invaders, and the people were free slaves. Rome finally fell when they were conquered by the