Experience Cloud Exam

Limit for number of experience cloud sites per org without buying licenses

For enterprise, unlimited, and performance the limit is 100 Experience Cloud Sites

When using the Partner Central template what is needed?

At least one partner community license

What community states count towards the site limit

active, inactive, and preview sites all count

User Limit for: Partner Community, Channel Account, or Customer Community Plus

1 million

User Limit for: Customer Community and External Apps

100 million

User Limit for: Partner Community, Channel Account, or Customer Community Plus with Account Role Optimization

10 million

External users CAN edit case comments, delete cases, or update case status. T or F?

False, they cannot

Bandwidth Limit for Developer Edition

500 MB (per rolling 24 hour period, per community)

Bandwidth Limit for Enterprise, Unlimited, and Performance Editions

1 GB for sandbox40 GB for production(per rolling 24 hour period, per community)

What type of users count towards bandwidth limits?

non-authenticated users only

Maximum Page Views for Enterprise Edition

500,000 per month

Maximum Page Views for Unlimited and Performance Editions

1,000,000 per month

What type of users count towards maximum page views?

non-authenticated users only

Overages for page views are calculated how often?

On a yearly basis

Where can page views be monitored?

In the Community Management Package from the AppExchangePage Views>Monthly Trend ReportORSetup>Company Information

Service Request Time for Developer Edition

10 minutes (per rolling 24 hour period, per community)

Service Request Time for Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions

30 minutes for sandbox60 HOURS for production

Service Request Time is calculated using what users?

Non-authenticated users only

When is the 'Email on every post' notification setting disabled?

When more than 10,000 members select this setting?

What happens when more than 10,000 members select 'Email on every post' notification setting?

It is disabled and all users are changed to the Daily Digest option.

Max Custom Objects for Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, Partner Community (with the PRM SKU), Channel Account, Lightning Platform Starter

10 (not including custom objects from managed packages from AppExchange)

Max Custom Objects for External Apps or Partner Community (with the External Apps SKU)

100 (not including custom objects from managed packages from AppExchange)

Max Custom Objects for Lightning Platform Plus

110 (not including custom objects from managed packages from AppExchange)

Role Limit Per Org

50,000 can be increased by contacting Salesforce customer support, or if more than 100,000 roles are required, by contacting the org's Salesforce Account Executive

Default Number of Roles


Sharing Rules Limit (criteria and ownership based)

Owner-based sharing rules limited to 300 per objectCriteria-based sharing rules limited to 50 per object

Manual Sharing can be performed through what type of users?

Internal users only

API Call Limit for Customer Community


API Calls per Day Partner Account (external apps SKU)

1000 per user (member-based license) 400 per user (login-based license)

API Calls Per Day for Customer Community Plus, Partner Community (PRM SKU), Channel Account

200 per user (membership-based license)10 per user (login-based license)

API calls per day for External APPs

200 per user (member-based license)400 per user (login-based license)

API Calls per Day for Lightning Platform Starter

200 per member (Enterprise or Unlimited Edition)

API Calls per Day for Lightning Platform Plus

1000 per member (Enterprise Edition) 5000 per member (Unlimited Edition)

Maximum Number of Topics in the Customer Service Community Template

- One (parent): 25- Two (sub) 10- Three (sub) 10

How can an additional 5 levels of topics be created?

Chatter Rest API or Chatter in Apex

Limit number of keyword criteria moderation rules per org?


Limit number of member criteria moderation rules per org?


Total Moderation rule limit for an org?


Maximum number of audiences that can be created?


Five Step Process of Channel Sales Implementation

channel strategy development, PRM portal setup, setting channel goals, recruitment and onboarding, and channel management and growth

Roadmap to setting up PRM Portal (and what each step consists of)

Planning (Defining site strategy, buying licenses, choosing template, identifying site limitations), Preparation (Creating accounts roles, and profiles, defining sharing) Basic Setup (update org wide default settings, creating site, using workspaces to configure), Advanced Setup (Implement advanced PRMand site features, such as lead distribution and deal registration, site moderation) Design, Analysis

What kind of apps can be installed to ceritfy and train partner users?

Learning Management Solution (LMS) apps

What is the campaign marketplace for?

To allow partners to browse, sign up for, and run campaigns

Where can lead distribution and deal registration be configured?

Guided Setup in Workspaces

Change Sets

allow migrating components between related orgs

Salesforce Extension for Visual Studio Code

allow deploying metadata from one org to a related or unrelated org

Metadata API

uses deploy() and retrieve() calls to migrate metadata

Site.com Export and Overwrite

uses .site file in Site.com studio

Salesforce CLI

command line interface for metadata migration allows interactive login without storing login credentials in a local directory


Workbench is a lightweight web-based tool that uses the local file system for migration.

Metadata types and what they are for

Network- represents an Experience Cloud site and includes administration settings, such as page override, email, and membership configurationsCustomSite- domain and page setting information, such as indexPage, siteAdmin, and URL definitions.Site.com- binary file of the community layout which is the same as the one produced by a Site.com ExportExperience Bundle- can be used instead of SiteDotCom. It provides text-based representations of the different Experience Builder settings and site components, such as pages, branding sets, themes, etc.

Site Deployment 8 step process

1. Site Creation2. Metadata Deployment3. Sitedotcom Metadata4. Metadata Extraction5. Metadata Deployment6. Overwrite Site7. Publish Changes8. Org Evaluation

Site Deployment steps 1 and 2 (descriptions)

1. Site Creation- ite is created manually in the target org with the same parameters (domain, name, template).2. Metadata Deployment- Network and CustomSite are deployed using metadata.

Site Deployment steps 3 and 4 (descriptions)

3. Sitedotcom Metadata- The SiteDotCom metadata type is extracted from the source org using metadata or Site.com Export.4. Metadata Extraction- ApexClass and AuraDefinitionBundle metadata types are extracted from the source org

Site Deployment steps 5 and 6 (descriptions)

5. Metadata Deployment- ApexClass and AuraDefinitionBundlemetadata types are deployed to the target org6. Overwrite Site- 'Overwrite This Site' is done manually from Site.com in the target org

Site Deployment steps 7 and 8 (descriptions)

7. Publish Changes- Changes from Site.com are published after importing the .site file.8. Org Evaluation- Experience Builder is accessed and the target org is evaluated

T or F: Experience Builder sites and Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce sites can be migrated


Steps to Migrate a Site Using Change Sets

1. Create Change Set- An outbound change set is created in the test org, and the Network component type2. Upload Change Set- The change set is uploaded to the target org3. Create Site4. Deploy Change Set

Settings that can not be deployed through a change set and should be done manually

navigational and featured topics, branding sets, languages, dashboards and engagement, custom list views

What should a separate change set be used to deploy?

to update the settings in the Members and Login & Registration

Metadata API vs. Salesforce Extensions for VS code

Metadata API retrieves data and SF extensions deploys it

Steps to Enable Digital Experiences

1. Navigate to Setup - locate digital experiences setting2. Tick the Checkbox- select enable digital experiences checkbox3. select a domain name- if enhanced domains is not enabled4. Click Save

What can a delegated external user administrator do?

can create and edit external users, generate new passwords for external users, activate and deactivate external users, and also manage permission sets for external users

How can a user be a delegated external user administrator?

By granting it through a custom profile or a permission set.

What needs to happen to allow delegated external user administrator to manage members

The 'Community Members' related list needs to be added to account detail page

T or F: Customer Community license users can be delegated external user administrators?


Steps to Build a Public Experience Cloud Site

1. Create a experience cloud site2. Guest user profile is autocreated3. Edit Public Access Settings4. Enable API Access to Chatter5. Enable Chatter in guest profile6. Specify Default Public Access7. If necessary, specify page level access

What permission can be disabled to make sure external users do not access tasks, events, or emails

Access Activities

Guest users can access email actions and messages if

Enhanced Email is enabled and their profile has Access Activities permission activatedEmail-to-Case is enabled and the user has at least read access to case.

How to access guest user Profile (SF Tabs + Visualforce)

Administration>Pages>Go To Force

How to access guest user Profile (Experience Cloud)

Experience Builder Settings>General> Guest User Profile

T or F: Guest User record access can be changed once the profile is enabled


Can guest users be added to groups or queues


Can records be manually shared with guest users?


Where can a default record owner be selected?


Who is the default record owner if one is not set up?

EC Site owner

How to allow guest users to access an Experience Cloud site without logging in

Public can access the Experience Cloud site' can be enabled under General Settings in Experience Builder,

How are topics created?

in setup or by members

How many levels of topics can be setup?

Three levels can be set up in Experience Builder, with a further five levels configurable through the Chatter Rest API and Chatter in Apex

Omni-channel Chat

Omni-Channel can be configured to route chat requests to the right agent based on availability and qualifications.

Embedded Service (chat)

Embedded Service can be used to create a customizable chat windowthat is optimized for mobile browsers.

Einstein Bots (chat)

Einstein Bots can handle routine requests and gather pre-chat information, saving the time of both agents and customers

What happens if a case fails validation rules?

If a case fails validation rules, it will not be created, and the default case owner will be notified.

If there is no active assignment rule for cases who is the owner?

the default case owner

Max number of Web to Case Cases per day


Does web-to-case support attachments and rich text?


What can be used for a ticketing system?

Service Cloud

Setting Up Topics Steps

1. Setup Navigation Topics2. Setup Featured Topics3. Create Member Topic Creation Permissions4. Setup Data Categories5. Assign Topics to Articles

Where can topics be managed?

In Topic Management section of content management

How many topics can be enabled for content at once?


What is required to make Automatic Topic Assignment and Article Management available?

t least one user has been given the 'Knowledge User' license and Salesforce Knowledge is enabled

Navigational Topic Heirarchy

10 subtopics for each navigational topic, 10 subtopics for each subtopic

Where are data categories created?

Setup > Data Categories > Data Category Setup


Dashboards are a collection of reports and charts displayed graphically to highlight specific required analytics data.


Insights are reports to help monitor activity in an Experience Cloud site that sit within a dashboard

Insight Report Format

Must be tabular

Insight Report Pagination

Pagination cannot be included

Insight Report Row Limit

2000 or less to be displayed

How many times per day can external users refresh dashboards?

1000 per org

How to enable Google Analytics?

by navigating to Experience Builder | Settings | Advanced and entering the Google Analytics ID,

Experience Cloud Rollout Site Strategy

Establish, Manage, Engage, Measure

Establish Phase of Experience Cloud Rollout Site Strategy

Define goals, and requirements, build, launch


keeps site content appropriate and on topic

How do moderators get their privileges?

Through profiles or permission sets

Moderators can be what type of users?

Internal or External

How to Allow users to flag posts

'Allow members to flag content' must be checked in the Experience Cloud site preferences

Two types of moderation rules

Content and rate rules

Moderation Rule Limit

30 per org

Member Criteria for moderation rules can be based on what

member type, user profile, user creation date

How many conditions can member criteria have for moderation rules?


Keyword List Limit for Content Criteria Moderation Rules

2,000 key words

Content Moderation Rules can have how many criteria

3 keywork criteria and 10 user criteria

Order of Action for Content Rules

Block, Review, Approve, Replace, Flag

If more than 3 separate keyword list criteria need to be added what should happen?

A new rule should be created.

Rate Moderation Rule Options

Notification or Freeze

Where are EC sites activated?

administration in workspaces

Where do you publish a site vs where do you activate a site

You publish in builder, you activate in adminstration

Where can the guest user profile be accessed for an EC site?


Where can public access be enabled for a whole EC site?

General Section of Settings in Builder

How can a user switch between an experience cloud site and any communities they are part of?

App launcher

Automated Provisioning is done via what tool?

Data loader

What format should contacts be loaded into data loader in?


Different Types of Provisioning?

Automated, Self-Registration, Manual, Just in Time

Where are internal members provisioned

on the members page of administration

Who can assign license to contacts

administrators or users with the manage external users permissions

After you enable a contact as a customer user what must you do?

Assign a license and profile

After you enable a contact as a partner user what must you do?

assign a license, profile, and role

Where is self registration set up

In the Login and Registration section of Administration in Experience Workspaces

How can a self registering user be saved as a person account

Leave the account field blank

Contacts using data loader must

be associated with an account

How to customize a self-registration form

enable a custom visual force page

What can be used to make self-registration easier for mobile users?

Configurable Self-Reg Page

How can the self-registration process be customized with Apex


What should be implemented for sites that have more than 500,000 self-registrations per day?


Just in Time Provisioning

Automatically creates an account the first time a user logins in with SSO

How does the identity provider in JIT pass information to saleforce

SAML assertion

Where can just in time provisioning be setup?

On the single-sign on settings page in setup

Provisioning Types for JIT

Standard and Custom SAML JIT with Apex handler

Standard JIT Provisioning

users are provisioned automatically using attributes in the SAML assertion

Custom SAML JIT with Apex handler JIT Provisioning

users can be provisioned based on logic in an Apex class

What is required as the user type for JIT provisioning?


Process of Events to match in JIT provisioning

1. Salesforce tries to match the Federation ID in the SAML assertion to the User.FederationIdentifier field of an existing User record2. If an existing user record is found the fields are updated, If a matching user record is not found, contacts are searched.3. If a matching contact is found, it is updated and a new user record is created. If a matching contact is not found, accounts are searched.4. If a matching account is found, it is updated and a new user record is created. If a matching account is not found, new account, contact, and user records are created

True or False: Accounts can be added with contacts via data loader?

False: Accounts need to be preexisting

How many members can be processed at a time?

10 million

True or False: Adding profiles and permission sets takes longer than removing them.


Salesforce supports any authentication provider that implements =

OAuth or the OpenID Connect Protoco

What can be used to create a passwordless custom login page?

Apex and Visualforce

Salesforce Identity asynchronous email

this feature allows users to verify their email address at any time.

Email identity verification is set up using...

Apex method asyncEmailConfirmation

Enable device activation

requires identity verification if members with Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, Partner Community or External Identity licenses log in from a new device or browser.

Identity Verification History can be viewed where and how far back

In setup, for the last 6 months

What permission is needed to enable Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins

Where can change password and forgot password pages be customized?

In the password section of login and registration

Where can emails be customized?


Where can send welcome emails be enabled?

Workspaces | Administration | Emails

When are welcome emails sent it enabled

Welcome emails are sent when the site status changes from Preview to Active, an admin adds a profile or permission set to an active site, or a user of an active site is assigned to a profile or permission set

Login Discovery

used to allow external users to login using something other than their username

Where can Login Discovery pages be created

In login and registration section of administration

Steps to Configure SSO

1. Identity Provider- Gather SAML information and assertion parameters from the identity provider2. Pages- Customize SAML start, login, logout ,and error pages3. Service Provider- configure SF as the SSO service provider on SSO settings page4. SAML- Manage SAML configuration5. JIT- optionally setup JIT provisioning

Where can SSO be enabled in a site once it has it has been set up in the saleforce org

login and registration page of administration

Setting up SSO for a site requires what two things?

Identity Provider Login URL and subdomain created within my domain

Set up SSO between multiple Salesforce orgs and sites Steps

1. Identity Provider- set up a Salesforce identity provider on the Identity Provider page in Setup for a Salesforce org or site that should authenticate users2. Service Provider- set up one or moreSalesforce service providers for the orgs or sites that users should be able to access after successful authentication3. Connected App- Integrate service providers by creating a Connected App in the identity provider foreach service provider4. Test- Create a test user in the identity provider and the service provider, and verify that the user can log in and access the service provider using SSO

Experience Cloud Site Templates

Customer Service, Partner Central, Customer Account Portal, Help Center, Aloha, SF Tabs and Visualforce, Build Your Own (LWR), Build your own (aura)


Stella, Webster, Ember, Jepson, Cypress, Citizen

Stella Theme

To exhibit site content

Ember Theme

Flexible and content-centered

Cypress Theme

Content Promotion

Webster Theme

Search Focused

Jepson Theme

Content-focused, forum

Citizen Theme

Brand and Content Focused

Microsite Template

used to capture leads

Customer Account Portal Template

used to build an Experience Cloud Site that allows managing account information and using third-party services

Customer Service Template

self-service Experience Cloud Site that allows member collaboration, case management, and access to Knowledge articles

Partner Central Template

can support various partner relationship management workflows

Help Center Template

exposes Knowledge articles to external users for self-service and case deflection

Aloha Template

External users can be provided access to third-party and Salesforce applications by exposing the App Launcher in an Experience Cloud Site that is built using the Aloha template

B2C Commerce Template

A customized ecommerce store can be created using the B2C Commerce template. Product catalogs can be configured, and it integrates with external services such as payment processing

Build Your Own (Aura) Template

A customized solution can be created using the Build Your Own (Aura) template. It provides the basic pages, and components and other pages can be added

Build Your Own (LWR) Template

The Build Your Own (LWR) template provides improved page performance and developer flexibility. Custom Lightning web components can be developed

Microsite Template

A site that is built using the Microsite template provides automatic routing of lead information and a direct connection to Salesforce CMS

How can a Lightning Template be exported?

By going to Developer section of experience builder setting

Up to how many images can be uploaded for an exported template?


What can be added to a lightning bolt solution?

Templates, Flows, Custom Apps

T or F: A login page theme is set separately from the Experience Cloud Site page theme


Where can login page logos, colors and background be set

in Administration in Experience Workspaces

How to create a login page with a dynamic background

For a dynamic background, a URL with the expid placeholder can be entered within brackets; for example, https://www.my-cms.com/{expid}/background.png

Branded URLs (for login pages)

used to customize the login page and experience for users

Login & Registration page customization options can be found where?

Login Page Setup

Where can you specify the URL to which Experience Cloud site members are redirected when they log out

Logout section of login and registration page

Where can cookie consent be enabled?

Builder | Settings | Security & Privacy

Components that can be personalized and assigned to a specific audience-

Navigation menu, Tile Menu, and CMS collections

Where are branding sets created?

The theme panel of experience builder

Where can personalized recommendations be created

Content management section of workspaces

How to get recommendations to appear in preset locations

Create a recommendation channel

Einstein Recommendation Builder Required Object

1. Recommended items Object2. Recipient Object3. Interaction Objects

How can recommendations be added to an experience cloud site

Using the suggested action component

Strategy Builder

used to build and define recommendations for strategies in Experience Cloud Sites

Where is Strategy Builder located

Under next best action in setup

A strategy must be linked to a


How many recommendations for a strategy are displayed in the next best action component


Strategy Manager

allows connections to be created with external sources

Strategy Inspector

debugging feature

Strategy Test

allows a record to be entered to test which recommendations will appear

To ensure that an object is searchable in Experience Cloud sites, it must be

Searchable in Lightning Experience and Supported in templates, search results must be enabled for it in the internal org

How to make objects discoverable by guest users

search autocomplete must be enabled in the properties of search components

If chatter is enabled in an experience cloud site that uses SF tabs and VF template then...

global search and contextual feed search are enabled by default


Different forms of a search term are also created

Expanded Queries

If there are no results, search returns match when the search term is part of a word

Where can synonym groups be created and edited

Synonyms in Salesforce Setup

Federated Search

allows adding search results from external search providers

How to set up Federated Search

the external search provider needs to be connected as an external data source, and the external data source needs to be added like any other object

Salesforce CMS

Salesforce CMS is a hybrid content management system offered by Salesforce that can be used to create, manage, and deliver content, and then share it with Experience Cloud site users

How can a custom object be made searchable

associate to a tab in the internal org

How can CMS content can be shared with Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce sites

via the Chatter REST API

To use Salesforce CMS with an Experience Builder site, the site must be

based on the most up-to-date Lightning template, and Libraries in Salesforce Files must be enabled by navigating to Setup | Salesforce Files | General Settings

What can be used to deliver CMS content to an experience cloud site?

Content Delivery Network

CMS Workspace Roles

Salesforce Admin- access to full Digital Experiences AppContent Admin- has access to all content to which they've been assignedContent Manager- has access to all CMS content

CMS Standard Content Types

Document, Image, and News

Custom Content Types can be created how?

using the ManagedContentType in Metadata API. The CMS Content Type Creator in AppExchange can also be used

Prerequisites to Use CMS Connect

1. A CMS connection is created by navigating to Workspaces | Content Management and clicking 'CMS Connect'2. 'CMS Source' and 'Connection Type' are specified while creating a CMS connection3. A CMS connection can be edited to change the language mapping, or add CSS and JavaScript files

What needs to be installed in AEM to connect content personalized with client context?

A connector page

Data Category Visibility Options

Profile, Role, Permission Set

Category Group Visibility Options

All, None, Custom

Is user sharing for external users turned on or off by default?


By default external users can see what other users?

Other external users under the same account and users in common sites

How can unauthenticated users of the site be allowed to see and interact with authentication members of the site?

By allowing "let guest users see other members of this site' from Preferences in Administration

One reason why unauthenticated users or authenticated users wouldn't be able to see each other?

If "user site visibility' is deselected from sharing settings

After Site user visibility is selected what else must be done to let authenticated users see other users

'See other members of this community' can be selected after navigating to Workspaces > Administration > Preferences

What controls whether portal users in the same customer or partner portal account can see each other.

Portal User Visibility in Sharing Settings

What can be used to hide personal information in user records from other users?

Enhanced Personal Information Management' setting can be enabled on the 'User Management Settings' page in Setup

To configure a User field as personal information what must be done.

PersonalInfo can be added to the compliance categorization area of the field

A sharing set can be used to grant access to any record associated with an account or contact that matches the user's

account or contact

Two types of sharing rules

ownership based and criteria based

Licenses that can use sharing sets and sharing rules

customer community plus, partner community, channel account

licenses that can use sharing sets only

customer community plus, external apps

licenses that use sharing rules only

lightning platform starter, lightning platform plus

External organization-wide defaults

set to specify the default record access levels for external users

Where can the external sharing model be modified

by navigating to sharing settings in setup

Marketing user permission

Given to people with the partner community license to read, create, and edit campaigns

How many items can be on the navigation menu?

Up to 20

Limit number of sharing sets per profile or object


Where can a sharing set be created?

On the settings page under digital experiences in setup

How are share groups created?

From an existing sharing set by clicking the share group settings tab

How to enable super user access

settings page in digital experiences

How to enable partner community super user

Click enable super user access on the account detail page

How to enable customer community plus super user

give portal super user access using a permission set

How to enable account role optimization

Select 'Minimize the number of roles created, which improves performance by cutting down processing loads' in sharing settings

How to enable external account hierarchy

by selecting 'Enable External Account Hierarchy' on the 'Settings' page under 'Digital Experiences' in Setup.

How many levels can be created in external account hierarchy


How to set a default owner for records created by guest users

On the preferences page under administration in workspaces

How to enable account relationships

by navigating to Digital Experiences | Settings and selecting Enable Account Relationships under Account Relationship Settings

What is required for using account relationships?

An account relationship Data Sharing Rule

Account Relationships are for what type of users

partner community users and customer community plus users

Account Relationship Data Sharing Rules can be used to share what

accounts and related records

Salesforce User License

Enables full access to standard CRM and AppExchange apps

Salesforce Platform User License

Enables access to custom apps but not to standard CRM functionality

Company Community User User License

Enables to access to custom tabs, Files, Chatter, and a Community that includes a Site.com site

What determines whether a user should gain the lightning platform starter or lightning platform plus

whether or not they need access to more than 10 custom objects

What are the two underlying license types that employee licenses need to be supported by?

Salesforce Platform user license and Company Community for Force.com permission set license

Multiple logins within the same day by a single user consume only one login


Monthly login-based licenses provide how many login licenses for every login purchased.


Who is in charge of managing partner relationships?

Channel Manager

Super User Access applies to what objects

cases, leads, custom objects, and opportunities

Partner Roles

Executive, Manager, and User

Custom Roles can be setup where

In the members section of adminstration

Experience Cloud Employee Personas

EC Site Manager, EC Admin, Moderator, builder

Experience Cloud Site Manager

enforces community standards, develops strategies or community guidelines, monitors community usage and health, and provides member support

Experience Cloud Admin

user management and site settings and maintenance

Experience Cloud Moderator

monitors user activity in a site, ensures that all communications and content are appropriate, and takes action, if necessary

Experience Cloud Builder

develops and customizes the site user interface and functionalities

Experience Workspaces Sections

Builder, Administration, Moderation, Content Management, Gamification, Dashboards

How to add a tab in tabs + Visualforce

Add the tab in the 'Tabs' section of Administration

If enhanced domains are enabled...

Salesforce CDN for digital experiences is included

How to make navigation menu vertical

A new lightning component has to be created

salesforce CDN for digital experiences only serves


Salesforce uses ____ as the CDN partner for content delivery


The amount of traffic allowed over the CDN depends on what?

License Type

What types of components can be used to expose CMS content in a site that is using an LWR template?

banner or tile

What feature is not available to community users in the Customer Service EC template?

template customization