Physics pages 25 - 43

does an unfocused transducer have a natural focal zone?


all of today's scanning is

automated electronic

electronic scan heads have multiple active __________ , each of these is connected by a wire to the US system


the elements are shocked in sequence, one after the other


the elements are shocked in a certain pattern with minute time differences between


all arrays are

phased focused

always means multiple elements


Linear Sequenced Arrays scan lines are _______ to transducer


linear image shape does not need

beam steering

linear sequenced arrays have the ability to electronically (phase) steer the beam for

- color/spectral Doppler steering-transition to wide-field-of-view (vector) image shape

for regular 2D imaging, no __________ _____________ is needed

Beam Steering

variation of a linear sequenced array, but produces a curvilinear image

curved sequenced array

produces a sector or vector image

phased array

uses electronic focusing and steering (phasing) , and contains NO moving parts

Phased Array

Phased Arrays

focusing and steering controlled by delaying the electronic impulses to the elements

sends pulses out rapidly & repeatedly to create a frame of ultrasound and is done by phasing

electronic beam steering


intravascular US

transducers used with open and laparoscopic surgery


how can an electric beam be steered

by delaying/timing the electrical impulses that control the elements

how can an electric beam be focused

by delaying/timing the electrical impulses that control the elements as well as steered

Dynamic Aperture is used to improve

lateral resolution

Dynamic Aperture

system changes # of active crystals that are firing to change with of beam at various depths

Dynamic Focusing produces

a shorter, stronger return echo

2-D B-Mode images stacked up to form _____ image


3 types of 3-D images

free-hand , automated , 2D array

free-hand cannot measure



curvilinear or linear transducers mounted to a motor

2D array

is all electronic, acquires volumes and is aka "x-matrix


is real-time 3-D

volume imaging is called

2D array

2D array

real-time volume and has no moving parts

spatial compounding

eliminates edge shadows and reduce speckles

the transmitted frequency is also called the

fundamental frequency

the sound that comes back to the transducer (from the tissue) is ...... and is called what

double the fundamental frequency , the second harmonic

harmonic frequencies are generated by

tissue, not by transducer

THI waveform leans more as it travels, therefore the signal gets ________ with _________

stronger , depth

what is filtered out with THI

the fundamental frequency

with THI the primary beam is much barrower, improving this resolution


what reduces grating lobes and artifacts


ultrasound contrast



shell filled with an inert gas that causes a significant impedance mismatch (larger reflection/stronger signal)

the shell of contrast enhanced ultrasound can be made up of 4 things

albumin , galactose , lipid , or polumers

the gas core (3) and size of CEUS

air, perfluorocarbon, or nitrogen1-4 um (micro)

what are the 2 kinds of resolution

spatial and temporal resolution

spatial resolution subtypes

axial , lateral , elevational

the smallest distance 2 reflectors can be next to each other and still show up as 2 independent return echoes

axial resolution

with AXIAL RESOLUTION, where are the 2 reflectors in regard to the sound beam

parallel to sound beam

synonyms for Axial Resolution

LARRD ( longitudinal, axial, radial, range, and depth)

what determines the axial resolution

spatial pulse length (SPL)


# of cycles (n) x wavelength

the shorter the SPL the

better two reflector can be

decreasing the SPL is better for this resolution


axial resolution is best with

high frequency, tightly damped transducers

axial resolution of .1mm is (better or worse) than axial resolution of .3mm

better (the smaller the better)

the distance between the reflectors must be ________ to or _______ greater than the axial resolution

equal , greater

axial resolution =

1/2 SPL

axial res can be improved by decreasing


the ability to send an US pulse between 2 reflectors perpendicular to the beam and NOT receive a return echo

lateral resolution

if an echo is generated when we are aiming at space there is poor

lateral resolution

Synonyms for lateral resolution

(LATA)lateral, angular, transverse, azimuthal

lateral res is improved by DECREASING

beam diameter (width)


diameter of the element

with Lateral Res, at the end of the near zone the beam aperture =

1/2 the aperture

with Lateral Res, at two near-zone lengths, the beam aperture

equals the aperture

with lateral res, the smaller the number the (better or worse)


smaller diameter probes with lower frequency have a ______near zone, and ______ divergence in the far field

shorter , more

larger diameter probes with higher frequency have a ________ near zone, and ______ divergence in the far field

larger , less

increased aperture =

longer NZL

increased frequency =

longer NZL

lateral res may be improved by decreasing the

beam diameter

slice thickness is also called the

elevational plane OR partial volume thickness

slick thickness is focused usually with a

mechanical lens

the _______ the slice thickness the better


these transducers can electronically focus in both scan plane as well as the slice-thickness or elevation plane

1.5D transducer

1D array

elevational plane focused mechanically, with a lens

1.5D array

elevational plane is focused electronically

2D array is a type of

realtime 3D probe

temporal means ______ , and is also known as

time , frame rate

the ability to correctly display moving structures in real-time

temporal resolution

increased depth causes __________ frame rate "PRF


increased focuses causes _________ frame ate "PRF


one complete image on the screen is called

one frame

the less focal zones the better it is for temporal res (T or F)


what negatively affects frame rate (temp res) ?

- multiple focal zones- # of scan lines (want a narrow sector size)- increased depth

if the frame rate stays the sane but the depth was increased, what happened?

the # of scan lines per frame must have decreased

What is PRF inversely related to?
