FACTS - Boards Level 2

Peds Interstitial Kidney Diseases

-Acute Interstitial Nephritis-Malignancy

Acute Tubular Necrosis

-Nephrotoxins (aminoglycosides)-Prolonged ischemia, hypotension-Sepsis


-IgA nephropathy-Post-strep glomerulonephritis

Renal vascular disease

-Hemolytic uremic syndrome-Vasculitis-Renal artery thrombosis

Manic episode treatment

-Antipsychotics (olanzapine)-Lithium-Anticonvulsant mood stabilizers (valproate)

Reactive arthritis Tx


ALS tx

RiluzoleRespiratory supportNutritional Support

UMN sx

-spasticity-hyperreflexia-upward Babinski reflex-jaw jerk reflex

LMN sx


Alcohol withdrawal tx


hepatic encephalopathy tx

-lactulose/rifaximin (dec blood ammonia concentration)-fluids/abx

cyanide toxicity tx

hydroxocobalamin or sodium thiosulfate

methemoglobinemia etio

dapsone, nitrates, topical/local anesthetics (oxidizing agents)functional anemia w/dec O2 delivery to tissues

When to do US in prenatal care

-unknown LMP-size discrepancy-any bleeding-suspect of multiple pregnancies

Prenatal labs

-CBC-type and screen-rubella titers-infexn: HIV, HBV, syphilis, G/C-UA-urine cx

optimal screening for trisomy

1st trimester-nuchal translucency and PAPP-A test and beta-hCG (10-13 wks)OR2nd trimestser-wk 16-18-triple or quad screen (hCG, aFP, estradiol, inhibin-A)Other tests: villous sampling (1st trimester)amniocentesis (later)

glucose tolerance test for preg women not at risk

24 wks gestation -oGTT

when to give Rhogam

28 wks gestation and at delivery (if mom is negative and baby is positive)

GBS positive abx

first-line = penicillinif low risk allergy --> cefazolin if high risk allergy --> clindamycin

50 y/o health maintenance

Shingles vaxTetanus +/- pertussisFlu vaxCovid vaxColonoscopy or FIT testing (q10 or 1 yr)If female:Pap+HPV co-testing (q5 yr)Mammogram (q every other year)

60 y/o health maintenance

Tetanus +/- pertussisFlu vaxCovid vaxPneumococcal vax

hemolysis labs

inc reticulocytesinc LDHlow hgblow haptoglobinindirect hyperbilirubinemia

Aldosterone MoA

inc Na+ reabsorptioninc K+ and H+ excretion


inc water reabsorption and Na+ follows

adrenal crisis w/hypotension tx

glucocorticoids (IV hydrocortisone or dexamethasone)

subarachnoid hemorrhage dx

noncontrast CTthen Lumbar puncture - inc opening pressure, xanthochromia, and high rbc count

Cushing syndrome vs ACTH-induced adrenal androgen production

1- late night salivary cortisol assay; 24-hr urine free cortisol measurement; and/or overnight low-dose dexamethasone testThen measure ACTH levels to differentiate dependent vs independent

upper-airway cough syndrome tx

eliminate nasal discharge and cough-H1 histamine receptor antagonist (chlorpheniramine)

Cryptococcus neoformans dx test of choice

Lumbar puncture + India ink stain (or capsular polysaccharide antigen testing)

Cryptococcus neoformans tx

antifungal therapy- ampho B, fluconazole, and 5-flucytosine

Toxoplasmosis in adults tx

First-lineSulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine2nd line = TMP-SMX

The Bends tx (decompression sickness)

IV fluids100% O2hyperbaric O2 therapy ASAP

Airborne isolation precautions (negative pressure room, N95 respirator)


Contact precautions (gown and gloves, single-use equipment)

MRSA, VRE, ESBL producingC diff, E coli O157:H7RSVVSVShingles

Droplet precautions (mask w/in 1-2m of pt)

N meningitidisHiBMycoplasma pneumoniaeInfluenzaAdenovirus

ESBL (extended-spectrum beta-lactamase) - producing bacteria

PEKKProteus MirabilisE coliKlebsiella pneumoniaKlebsiella oxytoca

Premenopausal women with adnexal mass dx

related to ovulationsimple-appearing masses -observation and repeat exam in 6 wks

lithium side effects

fatigue, constipation, myalgias, dec T4

anterior urethral injury (penile trauma) next step

retrograde urethrography (XR of urethral tract, then contrast through urethral meatus)- extravasation of contrast is positive

posterior urethral injury *pelvic fracture* next step

prostate exam - high riding prostate

Huntington dz

trinucleotide repeat on chromosome 4p

Rett syndrome

MECP2 gene mutation

Aflutter appearance on ECG

saw toothed waves w/irregular rhythm

Aflutter tx

chronic anticoagulation (depending on CHADSVASC)

Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia next step

SPEP and bone marrow biopsy

correlates w/dx of diabetic nephropathy

retinal neovascularization

essential tremor tx

beta blockers (propranolol)- contraindicated if pt has COPD or asthmaor anticonvulsants (primidone)

bronchopulm dysplasia histo

decreased septation of alveoli

bronchiectasis patho/histo

cystic dilation of the bronchial wall with mucus plugging

UTI in kids mgmt.

abx- 3rd gen cephalosporin imaging - renal US and VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram) if < 2 y/o

when to get voiding cystourethrogram in kids

-hydronephrosisor scarring on renal US-recurrent febrile UTIs

uterine rupture tx

laparotomy and cesarean delivery

shoudler dystocia first step (turtle sign)

McRoberts maneuver w/suprapubic pressure

MS tx for spasticity

baclofen or tizanidine

MS tx for neuropathic pain

gabapentin or duloxetine

MC cause of amyloidosis (AL)

Multiple Myeloma

MC cause of AA amylodiosis

Rheumatoid arthritis

amyloidosis on renal biopsy

glomerular deposits seen after special staining

HTN nephropathy on renal biopsy

hyalinosis that affects both afferent and efferent arterioles

Triglyceride-induced pancreatitis mgmt.

IV fluids, pain controllipid panel

autoimmune hepatitis tx


primary biliary cholangitis tx

ursodeoxycholic acid

SIADH labs

electrolytesurine osmolalityurine sodium

Amp C organisms

Enterobacter cloacaeKlebsiella aerogenes (formerly Enterobacter aerogenes)Citrobacter freundii

ESBL org tx


Amp C org tx


olanzepine ADRs

wt gaindyslipidemiahyperglycemiainc risk of DM**ADRs of a drug

clozapine ADRs

wt gaindyslipidemiahyperglycemia (new-onset DM)neutropeniaagranulocytosis**ADRs of a drug

Ziprasidone ADRs (2nd gen antipsychotic)

QT prolongation

pulmonic regurgitation

decrescendo, diastolic murmurloudest at LSB, inc w/inspirationone S2 sound

atrial septal defect

systolic murmur at LUSBfixed splitting of S2

hydatidiform mole tx

D&Cserial serum beta-hCGcontraception for 6 monthsdo NOT use misoprostol- contraindicated

toxic megacolon dx

CT w/oral contrastlooking for colonic dilatation > 6cmloss of haustral patternirregular mucosal pattern

orbital compartment syndrome tx

emergent surgical decompression


blood clot w/in a vein


part of a blood clot that breaks away and travels through circulation

risks d/t short interpregnancy intervals (<6-18 mo from delivery to next pregnancy)

inc risk of low birthweight, preterm labor, preterm PROM, maternal anemia

tx for chemo-induced n/v

serotonin receptor antagonist (5HT antagonist blocks 5HT3 receptors)

cerebellar hemorrhage mgmt.

reverse ACBP mgmt.ICP mgmt. - elevate head of bed, mannitolsurgical decompression if:hemorrhage >3cmimpaired consciouesnessbrainstem compression, obstructive hydrocephalus

Riboflavin (B2) s/sx

angular cheilosisstomatitisglossitisnormocytic anemiaseborrheic dermatitis

B6 (pyridoxine) def

cheilosis, stomatitis, glossitisirritability, confusion, depression

B9 (folate) def

megaloblastic anemianeural tube defects (fetus)

Ascorbic acid (vit C) def

scurvy- punctate hemorrhage, gingivitis, corckscrew hair

mgmt. of postpartum thyroiditis

self-resolvesno need for PTU or methimazole

mixed connective tissue disease abd

anti-U1 ribonucleoproteinANARFanti-cyclic citrullinated peptide

risks of distal tibial fracture

limb-length discrepancy

cohort study

identifies individuals based on exposure status to risk factorfollows both groups over time to assess development of dz

cross sectional study

snapshot of pop'n in time to est prevalence of risk factors and disease simultaneously

case-control study

potential participants are initially identified based on dz status and pts w/dz and w/o dzthen presence of past exposure to >/= 1 risk factors of interest is determined in each group

bile acid diarrhea tx

cholestyramine or colestipol

Crohn disease association w/kidneys

inc oxalate absorption (but fat malabsorption)oxalate stone formation

teratogenic effects of ACEi and ARBs

fetal renal hypoplasia- small fetal bladder w/minimal urine, oligohydraminos, and dec GFR in fetus

mastoiditis dx

opacification of air cells on CT/MRI of brain

pt w/inc ICP-- kid - what is contraindicated?

LP - risk of cerebral herniation and death!

vascular dementia neuroimaging findings

cortical and/or subcortical infarctions

Rh (D) alloimmunization in pt w/ectopic pregnancy mgmt.

anti-D immunoglobulin

Acanthosis nigricans assoc dz

insulin resistanceGI malignancy

multiple skin tags - assoc dz

insulin resistancepregnancycrohn dz

Hep C assoc skin conditions

porphyria cutanea tardacutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis (palpable purpura) secondary to cryoglobulinemia

dermatitis herptiformis assoc dz

Celiac dz

HIV infexn assoc skin dz

sudden-onset severe psoriasisrecurrent herpes zosterdisseminated molluscum contagiosumbacillary angiomatosis

Severe seborrheic dermatitis assoc dz

HIV infexnParkinson dz

explosive onset multiple itchy seborrheic keratoses assoc dz

GI malignancy

pyoderma gangrenosum assoc dz

Inflammatory bowel disease

recommended vax for adults w/HIV

HAVHBVHPVInfluenzaMeningococcus (ACWY)PneumococcusVZV

PTU and Methimazole ADR

agranulocytosis - fever and sore throat in pt taking antithyroid drugs

polymyositis dx

muscle biopsy

polymyalgia rheumatica dx


negative skew

bottom of hill on L side, mode on R sidemean < median

positive skew

bottom of hill on R side, mode on L sidemean > median

rhabdomyolysis dx

creatine phosphokinase

nephrotic syndrome dx

24-hour urine protiein measurement

renal artery stenosis dx

renal vascular imaging (doppler US)

wbc casts on UA

AIN (acute interstitial nephritis)

rbc casts on UA

glomerular damage

hyaline casts on UA

prerenal AKI

rosacea tx

1st line - topical metronidazole, azelaic acid, ivermectin2nd line - oral tetracyclines