Restraint Techniques


1. Secure head2. reach other hand to encourage for a sit3. secure hand around body


1. Sercure head2. reach either under belly, around butt, or over dog (grab chest)3. secure hand and hold in standing

Lateral recumbancy (feet away from person)

Either left or right side:1. reach hand infront of head 2. grab most proximal of the legs closet to you3. bring animal close and role while secure legs and head with arm4. secure on the floor


1. enter sitting postion2. reach around to grab front legs 3. slide dog on chest and secure body


Done with 2 people; one person on cranial, other on caudal:1. reach around and grab proximal point of the leg closest2. Role to lateral recumancy 3. reposition hands and secure distal points of all legs with elbows at the sides of the animal4. role animal on its dorsal side securing body and legs and head