Tissues In The Body


group of similar cells working together for a common purpose

epithelial tissue

Tissue that covers outside of the body and lines organs and cavities.

Simple squamous epithelial cells

flat shape allows substances to either diffuse or be filtered; secretion or reduces friction.

Simple Cuboidal epithelium cells

ice cube shape; Secretion or absorption; gland or ducts

Simple columnar epithelium cells

Absorbing , secretion of mucus enzymes, movement of mucus by cilia.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium cells

protection ; secretion; movement of mucus by cilia.

Stratified squamous epithelium

provides physical protection to underlying tissue agaginst abrasion & pathogens

transitional epithelium

function: stretches readily and permits distension of urinary organ by contained urineLocation: lines the ureters, urinary bladder, and part of the urethra

Connective Tissue

A body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts

connective tissue, areolar

Areolar CT beneath epithelial tissue all over the body;cushion & protects organs holds tissue fluid

Adipose CT (fat tissue)

Protect certain organs; insulates against heat loss; stores energy as a reserve fuel.

Reticular CT

fiber form a supportive netlike structure for a variety of cell types.

Dence fibrous connective tissue

anchors skeletal muscle to bone; attaches bone to bone; stabilizes bones within joints

dence irregular connective tissue

resists stresses applied in many different directions

hyaline cartilage ( most common)

Structural reinforcement; flexibility support; reduces friction within joints

elastic cartilage

Flexible, due to elastic fibers in matrixExternal ear, larynx

fibrous cartilage

resists compression, prevents bone to bone contact & limits relative movement

Bone Tissue

Most rigid connective tissue, Internally supports body structures, very active tissue, heals much more rapidly than cartilage

skeletal muscle

A muscle that is attached to the bones of the skeleton and provides the force that moves the bones.