CST8102 Operating Systems Final Exam


displays current date and time


displays offline manual page for commandman [COMMAND]


lists files and directoriesls [OPTION] ... [PATHNAME]

OPTIONS (ls)-l-a-d-i

-l: long-listing-a: all files/dir (hidden asw)-d: directories (no files)-i: inode number


removes files (permanently)rm [OPTION]... [PATHNAME]

OPTIONS (rm)-r

removes directories and all the files in them


displays content one screen at a timeless [PATHNAME]


displays content in input. reads a text file(will contcatenate multiple pathnames)cat [PATHNAME]


creates empy file if one doesn't exist.changes access/modification times of a file that does exist.touch [PATHNAME]


counts lines, words and bytes in input (hello world -> 1 2 12)wc [PATHNAME]


sorts provided input (alphabetically)sort [PATHNAME]


displays text on screenecho [STRING]


redirects output from commanddoes right side firstecho bye >hello.txt(bye)makes hello.txt first, then echos bye into it


redirects and also appendsecho hello >hello.txtecho bye >>hello.txt(hellobye)


displays content one screen at a time, like less but cannot go upwardsmore [FILE]


displays first X lines of inputX=10 if not specifiedhead -3 myfile.txt (first 3 lines)head myfile.txt (first 10 lines)


displays last X linkes of inputX=10 if not specifiedtail -3 myfile.txt (first 3 lines)head myfile.txt (first 10 lines)

COMMANDcutwhat are the options?

displays fields seperated by delimiters-d : delimiter-f : field number (#,# or #-#)cut -d , -f 3(shows third field seperated by comma)cut [OPTION]... [FILE]...


lists history of commands


runs command number N from history


Runs previous command


prints current working directory


changes current working directory

COMMANDmkdirwhat options?

creates empty directory-p : parent directoriesmkdir -p a/bmakes a w b inside

COMMANDrmdirwhat options?

removes empty directories-p: parent directories


visually displays directory tree

OPERATOR| (pipe)

redirects standard output from one command as input to another commanddoes right side to left sideecho hello | wc(1 1 6)


redirects only the error output of a command


merge output of one channel into the other


runs multiple separate commands at the same command lineecho hello>hello.txt ; echo bye(bye)


output lines from input that match the pattern.


?: match any single char*: match 0 or more char[]: match char from range^: idk highlights them?!: same thing$: define end char (a$) ends in a{}: use multiple glob patterns|: multiple conditions 1 glob pat


merges lines from multiple filesso like, line 1 gets added to line 1 of another file and so on...cat 1.txtonetwocat 2.txtthreefourpaste cat1.txt cat2.txtone threetwo four


copies source into destinationcp [OPTION] .. SOURCE.. DEST..


moves/renames source into destinationmove if file exists, renames if doesn'tmv SOURCE... DEST...


recursively searches for files/directoriesfind / -name lsfinds files or dirs named lsfind [STARTING POINT]... [EXPR]...


search for names in a previously indexed databaselocate 1.txt(/home/student/1.txt)


lists info found in inode

COMMANDdftwo options

shows free/used disk space-i shows inodes-hhuman readable

COMMANDlnthere's one option too

creates hard link to the destination pathname-screates soft linkln TARGET [PATHNAME[


shows current userID and groupIDs with their numerical values


shows current userID


shows current user's groups


changes file or directory's permissionschmod [MODE] [PATHNAME] ..

PERMISSIONSwhat are each number u know

0: no permission (-)1: execute (--x)2: write (-w-)3: execute/write (-wx)4: read (r--)5: read/execute (r-x)6: read/write (rw-)7: read/write/execute (rwx)

rwxrwxrwxwhat is the order whos permissions

user | group | others


masks away certain permissions, only from newly created files/directoriesopposite of normal permissions... sort of


redirects input into commandcat < file.txtjust cats file.txt idk

COMMANDfreeone important option

shows memory availability information for physical and virtual memory-hhuman readable formatfree [OPTION] ...


view/create partition table or partitions on devicesshows a lil menu, changes need to be written before exiting or nothing happensfdisk [OPTION] ... [DEVICE]

COMMANDmkfsone option

creates file systems on partitions to be able to store files/dirs-tset filesystem type (ext4) (vfat)mkfs [OPTIONS]... DEVICE


associate device with a path on our filesystem, to be able to access the files/directories in it. without args, lists all mounted partitionsmount /dev/sdd4 /mnt/mydir


unmounts a mounted partition. writes all changes to disk

COMMAND mkswap

sets partition to be used as a swap (virtual memory)


shows info about devices used for virtual memory, or enable/add new devices to the virtual memory


stops using a device for virtual memory. if device is being used, command will return when it's free


colon separated database file used for keeping info on users. this orderusername, UID, GID, Comment (full name), home dir, path to shell


colon separated database file used for keeping password information, expiry to each user.any access to shadow file is restricted, except administrators


adds new group accountgroupadd [OPTION]... GROUPNAME


modifies existing group


deletes existing group

COMMANDuseradda bunch of options to probably remember

adds new user account.-c: comment (full name)-d: home-dir-m: creates home dir if doesnt exist-g: groupname-e: expiry date-s: Shell_Path: set to /bin/bash for new users$ sudo useradd -c "Jonathan Blow" -d /home/jblow -m -g jblow -e 2023-01-01 -s /bin/bash jblow


modifies existing user accountsimilar options to useradd-c: comment (full name)-d: home-dir-m: creates home dir if doesnt exist-g: groupname-e: expiry date-s: Shell_Path: set to /bin/bash for new users

COMMANDuserdelone option

deletes existing user-r: deletes home directory which isn't done to keep company's info even when user is removed


changes user's password


switch user


lists all currently set aliases

COMMANDalias [name]=[replacement text]

sets new alias

COMMANDunalias [alias name]

removes alias


displays environment variables.


displays the contents of PATH.. which is also the stdout

COMMANDexport -f

exports a function so we can all use it

how does an if statement look

if [[ conditional expression ]]then statementselif [[ conditional expression ]]then statementselse statemetnsfi

Conditional Expression?

expression that returns a boolean

What are the comparison operators for BASH?

-ne: not equal-eq: equal-lt: less than-le: less than equal to-gt: greater than-ge: greater than equal to

String Operators?

[[ -z string ]] - is string empty[[ -n string ]] - is string not empty[[ string == string ]] - equality[[ string != string ]] - inequality

File Operators?

[[ -e file ]] - does file exist[[ -r file ]] - is file readable[[ -d file ]] - is file a dir[[ -w file ]] - is file writable[[ -x file ]] - is file executable[[ -f file ]] - is it a file[[ file -nt file ]] - newer than[[ file -ot file ]] - older than[[ file -ef file ]] - same

What are the different command line parameters? ($)

$# - number of params$* - all params as single string$@ - all params as separate strings$0 - returns command$1-9 - returns first 0 paramsshift # - shifts position of $1-9

how should variables look?

idk like ${name} and not like $namethis isn't truesortof

what does a case statement look like

case ${choice::1} inQ) echo "woop"P) echo "ahfahlfh"Z) echo AHHHH*) echo SLDKALesac

C Style Loop

for (( i=0; i<4; i++)dodone

Data Iteration for loop

for line in $(ls)

Range iteration for loop

for i in {a..g}

Traditional while loop

ls | whlie read line

COMMANDreadand its default location

reads input from stdin stream and puts t in a variable, or a set of variables. default location $REPLYread var1 var2 <<< "hello world"var1=hellovar2=world


expands as value of variable nameliteral string replacement




first 4 chars of string name

${name: -2:2}

last two chars of value in name


all capital F chars turn into lowercase f chars


put name lowercase


puts name uppercase

how to declare array

declare -a my_array empty arrayormy_array=(red green yellow) creates and fills array

how to get an array element

echo ${my_array[2]}

how to show whole array2 ways

echo ${my_array[*]} expands to single stringecho ${my_array[@]} expands all elements but separate arguments

find size of array? (how many args)

echo ${#my_array[*]}


makes things prettytput setab 7makes background white :otput boldothers