Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Symmetric 64/56 bits
3DES (Triple DES)
Symmetric 168 bits
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
Symmetric 64 bits
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
A symmetric 128-, 192-, or 256-bit block cipher based on the Rijndael algorithm developed by Belgian cryptographers Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen and adopted by the U.S. government as its encryption standard to replace DES.
Symmetric block cipher that uses 64-bit blocks and a variable length encryption key to encrypt plaintext into ciphertext
Symmetric block cipher that replaced blowfish and uses 128-bit blocks and a 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit encryption key to encrypt plaintext into ciphertext
RC4 (Rivest Cipher version 4)
Symmetric stream cipher using a variable key size from 40-bits to 2048- bits that is used in SSL and WEP
RC5 (Rivest Cipher 5)
Symmetric block cipher with a key size up to 2048-bits
RC6 (Rivest Cipher 6)
Symmetric block cipher that was introduced as a replacement for DES but AES was chosen instead