MDC exam 2

Step 1: Pain Assessment

show the pain rating scale and explain its purpose

step 2 in pain assessment

explain the parts of the pain rating scale, if the patient does not prefer the scale switch to a different scale such as FACES, VDS, or verticle presentation

step 3 in pain assessment

explain that pain is a broat concept and not limited to a severe intolerable sensation

step 4 in pain assessment

verify that the patient understands the broad concept on pain

step 5 in pain assessment

ask the patient to practice using the pain scale with the present pain

step 6 in pain assessment

set goals for confort, function, recovery, activities of daily life.

Non-pharmacological interventions

ensure bed sheets are smooth and that the client is not lying on any tubing or chords, postion the client in anatomical position using gentle movements. Encourage the client to utilize hot cold therapy, transcutaneous electrical stimulations, massage, theraputic touch, music, acupuncture, deep breathing, RICE, exercise.

Pharamcological interventions for pain

NSAIDS (tylenol, ibprofen, asprin)

long term use of tylenol can lead to

liver damage

long term use of NSAIDS can lead to

bleeding and kidney malfunction

What kind of pain are opiods used for

moderate to severe pain

techniques for proper body mechanics (body allignment/ posture)

place spine in nuetral position, allow bones to be alligned. Keep core engaged, avoid standing in one postion for too long, don't lock your knees when standing.

to avoid injury while encouraging proper body mechanics you should:

place your center gravity closest to the base for support, stand with head raised, buttock pulled in, core tight, shoulders pulled back, with feet apart

safe client handling
