unit one econ vocab


social science dealing with how people satisfy seemingly unlimited and competing needs and wants with the careful use of scarce resources


branch of economic theory that deals with behavior and decision making by small units such as individuals and firms


the branch of economic theory focused on the economy as a whole and decision making by large units, such as governments and unions


risk-taking individuals who introduce new products or services in search of profits; one of the four factors of production


fundamental economic problem facing all societies resulting from a combination of scarce resources and peoples virtually unlimited needs and wants


measure of the amount of output produced in a specific time period with a given amount of resources; normally refers to labor, but can apply to all factors of production.

division of labor

division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers; same as specialization


work or labor performed for someone; economic product that includes haircuts, home repairs, and forms of entertainment


assignment of tasks to the workers, factories, regions, or nations that can perform them most effciently

opportunity cost

cost of the next best alternative use of ment, time, or resources, when one choice is made rather than another


tools, equipment, and factories used i the production of goods and services; one of the four factiors of production


ability or capacity of a good or service to be useful and give satisfactionto someone


something we would like o have but is not necessary for survival


Basic requirement for survival

durable good

a good that lasts for at least three years when used regularly

nondurable goods

item that wears out or lasts for fewer than three years when used regularly

capital good

tool, equipment, or other manufactured good used to produce other goods and services; a factor of production

consumer good

good intended for final use by consumers other than businesses

gross domestic product

monetary value of all final goods, services, and structures produced within a countries national borders during a one-year period

trade offs

alternative that must be given up when one choice is made rather than another