Aveda: Infection Control Quiz

Harmless bacteria that can be beneficial


Pathogenic bacteria does not

Cause decay of refuse

Communicable disease is

Spread from one person to another

Certain viruses can be prevented by


Organisms living on or obtaining nutrients from another organism (host) is

External parasites

Direct transmission occurs in this way

Respiratory droplets

Common means of spreading infection in the workplace can be prevented by

Clean hands/implements

Occurs when circulatory system carries bacteria/toxins to all parts of body

General infection

Considered a standard precaution

Disinfecting tools, implements, equipment

Immunity provided when given antibodies instead of producing them

Passive immunity

Removing dirt, debris, potential pathogens to slow the growth is


Agency under department of labor that enforces safety/health standards in workplace


Infection control procedure that kills certain pathogens


Locate how to remove product in eye


What info is assigned to approval of a product

EPA registration number

Approved EPA registered disinfectant is effective on what type of surface


Preclean tools before


All tools coming in contact w client should be

Discarded or disinfected

Not a precaution regarding disinfectants

Use hands to remove objects from disinfectant

Eradication of all microbial life


Performing first aid for bleeding wounds, next step after bleeding stops is

Secure cloth w a bandage

Type of burn extends beneath the epidermis into dermis causing blister to form


Patch test can be performed how

Inside client's arm of behind ear

Chemical burns should be treated by

Removing/neutralizing as much chemical as possible

Occurs first if client experiences chemical burn

Remove contaminated items

Cannot help prevent a heat burn

Test temp on side of towel that will be used on client

Recommended to treat burn area

Immerse in cool water

First step taken if person is choking

Determine if person can speak or cough

Action taken when person has fainted

Apply cold compress to face

First step if chemical dripped into clients eye

Flush eyeball w lukewarm water for 15-30 mins