Gastro quiz #3

Inhibitors of stomach action

CCK, Secretion, GIV/VIP

amylase AKA



30-40% digested by the time it leaves the stomach-when chewing food, amylase is mixed w/ food and starts digesting carbs - increased HCL content in stomach breaks down salivary amylase


pepsin a peptic enzyme is most active in an acidic environment, that is why the parietal cells secrete HCI-collagen is digested by pepsin, which allows digestion of proteins- pepsin provides 10-20% of protein digestion, allows pancreatic secretions to digest remainder more easily


up to 10% of triglycerides are digested in the mouth by lingual lipase from saliva - fat clumps together in aqueous medium


little absorption takes place here- only alcohol and some drugs are at small quantities


acute mucosal inflammation with hemorrhaging


vascular damage involved

acute gastritis risk factors

-NSAIDs (excessive use) - decreases protective mucosal lining -excessive alcohol consumption -smoking-chemo drugs: attacks highly prolific cells ex. epithelial cells - bacterial/ viral infections -stress"acute" = "all of a sudden" and short duration

acute gastritis S&S

abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, bloating, belching- w/ erosive gastritis- often asymptomatic





Chronic atrophic gastritis

chronic inflammation leading to mucosal atrophy and intestinal metaplasia -> cancer

Chronic atrophic gastritis causes

-chronic infection by H-pyloric -autoimmune associated with pernicious anemia-toxic exposures alcohol, smoke- postsurgical -motor and mechanical, including obstructions -miscellaneous


bacteria -major factor in peptic ulcers

pernicious anemia

Vitamin B12 deficiency (deadly)


lack of HCL secretion by parietal cells

achlorhydria leads to

-poor absorption of Fe, iron def anemia- poor absorption of Fe Ca2+, osteoporosis - more susceptible to GI infections -reduced secretions of duodenal hormones

pernicious anemia

lack of intrinsic factor. cannot absorb B12 causing macrocytic anemia

Peptic Ulcers

-a breach in the mucosa of the tract that extends through the muscularis mucosa or deeper- can occur anywhere in alimentary tract but are more prevalent in duodenum and stomach - are chronic, often solitary, 2-4 cm, and assocaited to areas with aggressive action of acid/peptic jucies

Peptic Ulcers S&S

abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting sever- vomiting blood, melena cases


Inhibit COX-1+2 enzymes and reduce prostaglandins. prostaglandins stimulate mucus and bicarbonate secretion, providing protection against mucus damage

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

-Gastrinoma-Hypergastrinemia-these ulcers are unresponsive to treatments of normal peptic ulcers

Peptic Ulcers risk factors

H pylori infectionsNSAIDAsprinCigarettesalcoholgastric hyperacidityduodenal- gastricreflux


gastrin produced by tumors

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome S&S

diarrhea and peptic ulcer S&S

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome treatment

H+/K+ ATPase inhibitors and excision of tumor-slow parietal cell function and production of HCL

Peutz-Jeghers Hamartomatous polyps

-polyps involving the mucosal epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosa of the alimentary tract- brown or grey spots of lips, gums, oral mucosa- can be singular or multiple - have a increased risk of developing cancer from damage and repair to polyp repeatedly - DO NOT go away- rare autosomal disease (genetic condition) detected around age 10


tissue is same as tissue around it -benign

gastric carcinoma

-very common tumor in the world -often late stage diagnosis- early stages are often asymptomatic

gastric carcinomarisk factors

-infection of H. pylori -diet high in nitrites derived from nitrates (preserved food)-smoked or salted food, pickled veggies, chili peppers-lack of fresh fruit and veggies-low socioeconomic status -cigarette smoking -chronic gastritis -partial gastrectomy-gastric adenomas-barretts esophagus slight increase risk with blood group A-family history


-proteins are acted upon bacteria to form amines-nitrites (in veggies) + amines at high temp cooking form nitrosamines which are highly carcinogenic -cook at lower temp and longer time is OK- reduce consumption of foods with nitrates and nitrites (smoked)-buy uncured bacon

small intestine

digestion is completed and virtually all absoprtion occurs - 20 feet long in s cadaver, 8-13 ft in living person3 divisions 1) duodenum (10 in retroperitoneal)2) jejunum (8ft)3) ileum (12 ft)


bile duct and pancreatic duct empty into duodenum via hepatopancreatic ampulla- ampulla opens into the major duodenal papilla

hepatopancreatic ampulla AKA

Ampulla of Vater

Ampulla is controlled by

Sphincter of Oddi


connects to the cecum at the ileocecal valve

Mesentery proper

suspends jejunum and ileum in the abdominal cavity


pouch at the beginning of the large intestine

plicae circularis

are folds (1cm deep) of the mucosa and submucosa


fingerlike projections of the mucosa, looks like velvet- lined with absorptive columnar cells which have microvilli on top (brush border) which have enzymes that complete digestion of carbs and protein -goblet cells, enteroendocine cells, and T cells called intraepithelial lymphocytes are also on villi - inside villi core there is a dense capillary bed and a lymph capillary

capillary bed

for absoprtion

lymph capillary


Crypts of Lieberkuhn

pits between the villi -lined with immature columnar cells that secret intestinal juice -crypts decrease in # along the tube but globet cells increase in #


cells at pit secrete lysozyme (antibacterial)

Peyer's Patches (lymphoid follicles)

in submucosa that are aggregated and increase in abundance toward the end of the small intestine - part of the immune system

Brunner's Glands

Only in the submucosa of duodenum - produce alkaline mucus (bicarbonate rich) that neutralizes acidic chyme - protects small intestine from ulcers

Ileocecal valve

prevent the backflow from the cecum -once past this valve chyme become Feces