muscle/integumentary/ocular/auditory systems

How many types of muscles are there and what are their names

3 cardiac, skeletal/ and smooth muscle

what muscle moves bone?

skeletal muscle

what is the secondary function of the skeletal muscles

thermoregulation- heat generation

how do the skeletal muscles work to produce heat

it produces small muscle contractions to generate heat.

Which muscle are voluntary (move with brain signals)


which muscles are involuntary( move without signals from the brain)

smooth and cardiac

this process is when the muscles nerve supply is interrupted for a lengthy period of time causing them to shrink


what are two divisions of the nervous system that modify the heart activity?

sympathetic and parasympathetic

what involuntary muscles are found all over the body


what are the two main forms of smooth muscle

visceral and multi unit

what specific muscle is found where small delicate contractions are needed?

multi unit

3 examples of where small delicate contractions occur

pupils of the eyes, inside blood vessels, passageway of lungs

what specific type of muscle is found in the walls of many soft organs?


3 examples of where you would find visceral muscle

stomach intestines bladder

cats have this amount of muscles


dogs have this amount of muscle



stimulates the heart to beat harder and faster


inhibits cardiac function causing the heart to slow down

duties of the integumentary sytem

cover and protect under lying structuresprotects from infectionwaterproofs the bodyprevents fluid lossprovides species with their colorassists in the maintenance of body temperatureimportant sensory organprovides a site for vitamin a synthesisexcretes water, salt, and organic waste

what are the 3 layers of skin

epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous

What is keratin?

proteins that provides skin with its waterproofing properties

what are meloncytes

produce and contain black pigment

how many layers of epidermis are there

5 layers

where is the thickest skin found


which skin layer does not contain blood vessels


what 2 substances do mast cells produce

histamine and heparin

What does the integumentary system consist of?

skin, appendages, glands, wool, hair feathers, fur, scales, claws, beaks, horns, hooves and nails

what is another name for the subcutaneous skin layer


what are the 2 main skin glands

sebaceous glands and sweat glands

what substance is excreted by sebaceous glands


what glands are located within the ear canal

ceruminous glands

what is the hair shaft

visible part of the hair

what are the 3 portions of the hair shaft

cuticle, cortex, medulla

what is the difference between guard hairs and secondary hairs

guard hairs are long, straight and stiff and form the outer coat aka primary hairssecondary hairs are soft fine and wavy form the undercoat

what is a tactile hair and what is an example of one

long brittle extremely sensitive hairs whiskers

what is another name for tactile hair


what is the quick and what does quicking mean

the connective tissue between the wall and the sole that contains blood vessels and nerve ending. quicking is the result of trimming the nail or claw to the level of the dermis results in bleeding and pain

name 3 vestigial structures

dewclaws, chestnuts, and ergots

What is fine needle aspiration?

insertion of a needle into a tissue to examine cells under a microscope

a skin scraping is done to look for what


what is an abcess

localized collection of pus

why are cats more likely to get abcessess

more likely to fight and have alot of bacteria in their mouths

what is atopy

hypersensitivity to environmental allergens involving pruriitis and secondary dermatitis

what is another term for dermatophytes


what is feline military dermatitis and its main cause

skin disease in cats which multiple crusts and bumps are present mostly on the dorsum usually caused by FAD

what are 2 conditions caused by mites

sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange

what is puppy pyoderma

skin disease in puppies characterized by pus containing lesions

6 adnexa structures of the eye

orbit, eye muscles, eyelids, eyelashes, conjunctiva

what is the anatomical name for the third eye lid

nictitating membrane

list the 4 walls of the eye

sclera, choroid coat, tapetum lucidum, retina


constricted pupils


dilation of the pupil

how does the iris work

muscle contract to make the opening bigger or smaller

What is the name of the muscles that adjust the shape and thickness of the lens called?

ciliary muscles

What is the nervous tissue layer of the eye that receives messages?


Specialized cells that react to light a


Specialized cells that react to color are


Which test detects corneal injury by placing dye on the surface of the cornea?

Fluorescein dye stain

When wanting to measure tear production which test would be used?

Schirmer tear test

What condition does a tonometer test for?

eye pressure

What is the term for rapid, involuntary contractions of the eyelid?


What is the term for involuntary, constant, rhythmic movements of the eye?



white portion of the eye

choroid coat

absorbs scatter light and nourishes the retina


nervous layer tissue of the eye that receives messages

optic nerve

gathered nerve endings of the retina


the clear, flexible, curved structure that focuses images on the retina




provides most of the focusing power for the eye transparent front part


colored portion of the eye


the adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters

what 3 things make up the choroid coat

iris, pupil, lens

What is the conjunctiva?

The pink tissues surrounding the eye.

tapetum lucidum

brightly colored iridescent reflecting layer of the choroid


the process by which the eye's lens changes shape to focus near or far objects on the retina

ciliary body

thickened extension of the choroid that assists in accommodation or adjustment of the lens