
Pathophysiology of schizophrenia

1. Increased dopamine in the mesolimbic area (nucleus accumbens, fornix, amygdala, hippocampus)-positive symptoms 2. deceased dopamine in mesocortical - resonsible negative symptoms 3. Nigrostriatal: dopamine receptor blockade - leads to EPS 4. Tuberoinfundibular: dopamine blockade - leads to increased prolactine

Positive symptoms vs negative symptoms of schizophrenia


other symptoms of schizophrenia

-Impaired cognitive functioning Eg. reduced concentration, impaired memory - Mood symptoms: Dysphoria, Anxiety, Emotional liability

Clinical presentation

symptoms begin in late adolescence or early childhood Patient may experience prodromal symptoms before going in to actual acute psychotic episode.

prodromal symptoms

- decreased concentration, motivation and energy - depressed mood - sleep disturbances - social withdrawal-anxiety-irritability

psychosis symptoms

hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, agitation/ aggression