Boney Landmarks of the Canine Forelimb

Name the bony landmarks of the shoulder

1. Spine 2. Supraspinos fossa3. Infraspinous fossa4.Acromion5. Coracoid process6. Supraglenoid tubercule 7. Infraglenoid tubercule 8. Cranial and Candle border9. Cranial and Caudal angles 10. fascies Serratta11. Subscapular fossa

Name the bony landmarks of the Brachium (Cranial and Caudal aspect)

1.head2. neck3. Body 4.greater tubercule 5. lesser tubercle 6. Intertubercular grove7. Tuberosity of teres minor 8. Tuberosity of teres major 9. deltoid tuberosity 10. Tricipital line 11. Condyle 12. Tochlear13. Capitulum 14. Supratrochlear foramen 15. radial fossa 16. Lateral epicondyle 17. Medial epicondyle 18. Olecranon fossa 19. tochlea

Name the bony landmarks of the Ante brachium ( Radius)

1. head2. neck3. body 4. articular circumference5. articular fovea ( or capitular fovea)6.nutrient foramen 7.ulnar tuberosity 8. lateral9. medial border 10. styloid process11. articular surface ( carpal articular surface)12. ulnar notch13. radial tuberosity

Name the bony landmarks of the Ante brachium (Ulna )

1. olecranon2. anconeal process3. coracoid processes medial and lateral 4.trochlear notch5. radial 6. styloid process7. articular circumference8. radial notch9. Interosseous border

Name the bones of the forepaw
