字彙的力量 - Level 4 - 主要單字

provident (adj.)

thrifty, economical, saving or providing for future needs節儉的;深謀遠慮的= prudent, frugal

impute (v.)

to charge or attribute, especially with a fault or misconduct, lay the responsibility or blame upon, ascribe, assign指控,歸咎於⋯⋯

astute (adj.)

shrewd, clever, perceptive, discerning, acute, keenly aware, quick-witted機敏的,聰明的,敏銳的;狡猾的= sagacious, perspicacious, sapient

neophyte (n.)

a beginner, novice, amateur, tyro; specifically, a new member of or convert to a religion新手,新入教者

enigma (n.)

a mystery, puzzle, riddle, perplexing problem, something or someone hard to understand or explain謎;費解的難題

credence (n.)

belief, acceptance, especially belief in a published report or acceptance of another's opinion or testimony信任;相信

venerate (v.)

to respect deeply, revere, regard with awe and adoration尊敬,崇敬,視為神聖

garrulous (adj.)

talkative, especially in a rambling, annoying, pointless, or long-winded way愛說話的,喋喋不休的= verbose, loquacious, voluble, prolix<> reserved, reticent, taciturn, laconic

trenchant (adj.)

keen, penetrating, vigorously effective, sharp and to the point銳利的;犀利的;尖銳的= forceful, acute, incisive

autonomous (adj.)

independent, self-governing, not under the control of something or someone else獨立的,自治的,不受制於某物或某人的

panacea (n.)

a cure-all, universal antidote, remedy for all disease and difficulties萬靈丹,各式疑難雜症的療方

ephemeral (adj.)

short-lived, passing, fleeting, lasting for a short time短命的;短暫的= transitory, evanescent, fugitive, fugacious, transient

onerous (adj.)

burdensome, troublesome, oppressive, hard to bear, difficult to accomplish or endure繁重的;麻煩的;難以達成或忍受的

laity (n.)

nonprofessionals, laypeople collectively, all the people outside of a give profession or specialized field非專業者,外行人

pungent (adj.)

sharp, penetrating, biting, acrid, caustic辛辣的;尖銳的;犀利的;諷刺的

prosaic (adj.)

dull, ordinary, uninteresting, unimaginative單調的,平凡的,無趣的= commonplace, humdrum, tedious, dry, stale, mediocre, matter-of-fact, insipid, pedestrian, vapid, jejune

charlatan (n.)

a fake, quack, imposter, fraud, humbug; specifically, a person who pretends to have a special skill or knowledge騙子,冒充者(尤指假冒內行的人)

perfunctory (adj.)

mechanical, routine, listless, done merely as a duty, performed in an indifferent, halfhearted, superficial, and often careless way, without interest or enthusiasm機械式的;例行公事的;沒有熱忱、只是敷衍了事的

morass (n.)

literally, a swamp, marsh, bog; figuratively, something that traps, confines, or confuses, a sticky situation or troublesome state of affairs沼澤;困境

sophistry (n.)

deceptive, reasoning, subtle and misleading argument似是而非的理論,狡猾且誤導的主張

prolific (adj.)

fruitful, fertile, productive結果實的;肥沃的;有生產力的<> unproductive, barren, sterile, impotent, effete

mundane (adj.)

of the world, worldly, earthly, material as distinguished from spiritual世俗的,塵世間的= terrestrial, temporal, secular<> lofty, heavenly, sublime, celestial, ethereal, extraterrestrial

myriad (adj.)

countless, innumerable, infinite, consisting of a great or indefinite number無數的,數不清的,極大數量的

dissident (adj.) (n.)

disagreeing, disaffected, dissenting, nonconformist(adj.) 持不同意見的;不服的(n.) 持不同意見者;不墨守傳統規範者

laudable (adj.)

praiseworthy, commendable, worthy of approval or admission值得稱讚的= meritorious, estimable, exemplary<> contemptible, deplorable, ignominious

inimitable (adj.)

unable to be imitated, copied, or reproduced; beyond compare無法模仿的;無法複製的;無可比擬的= matchless, unrivaled, peerless, unparalleled, surpassingimmitable 能被模仿的

jaded (adj.)

worn out, tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted; specifically, worn our by overwork or overindulgence筋疲力盡的,疲累不堪的

myopic (adj.)

short-sighted; not able to see the long-range picture; having a narrow or circumscribed view; lacking discernment, foresight, or perspective近視的;短視的,缺乏遠見的= narrow-minded, purblind, obtuse<> broad-minded, liberal, tolerant, catholic, latitudinarian 心胸開闊的,包容的

demonstrable (adj.)

capable of being demonstrated, able to be proved可證實的;明顯的,不證自明的

callow (adj.)

immature, inexperienced, unsophisticated, green, naive, lacking experience in and knowledge of the world未成熟的;稚嫩的;沒經驗的= juvenile, sophomoric, puerile, fledgling

acquiesce (v.)

to agree without protest, accept without argument or resistance, give in quietly默許;默認;勉強同意= consent, comply, submit, assent, accede

pontificate (v.)

to speak in a pompous and overbearing way, make pretentious or categorical statements, express one's opinion as though it were an official, authoritative decree以炫耀、傲慢的方式說話;發表狂妄、武斷的意見;以長官、權威之姿表達意見

deleterious (adj.)

harmful, destructive, injurious, detrimental; especially, harmful to health or well-being有害的(尤指對健康有害的);具破壞性的= ruinous, noxious, pernicious, malignant<> healthful, advantageous, wholesome, salutary

ambivalent (adj.)

uncertain, indecisive, having conflicting feelings or desires, simultaneously drawn in opposite directions, attracted to and repulsed by something at the same time不確定的,猶豫不決的,有矛盾情感或慾望同時在拉扯的

pensive (adj.)

thoughtful, absorbed in thought, especially in a deep, dreamy, or melancholy way沈思的(尤其帶有深沈、夢幻、憂愁的感覺)= reflective, meditative, wistful, comtemplative

impromptu (adj.)

made up or done on the spur of the moment, uttered or performed without preparation, improvised for the occasion臨時起意的;沒有準備的;即席創作的= offhand, spontaneous, extemporaneous

conjecture (v.) (n.)

to guess; especially, to make an educated guess; to form an opinion or make a judgement based on insufficient evidence猜測(尤指根據知識或經驗的猜測)= suppose, imagine, suspect, presume

surreptitious (adj.)

stealthy; characterized by secrecy and caution; done, made, obtained, or enjoyed in a secret and often sly or shifty manner, so as to avoid notice偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的= crafty, furtive, covert, underhand, clandestine<> evident, unconcealed, overt, aboveboard, manifest

exemplary (adj.)

worthy of imitation, praiseworthy, commendable, serving as a model of excellence, appropriateness, or correctness值得模仿的;值得稱讚的;可推薦的= ideal, admirable, meritorious, estimable, laudable<> shameful, disreputable, contemptible, deplorable, ignominious, odious, heinousexample模範,值得稱讚

impeccable (adj.)

perfect, faultless, flawless; free from faults or imperfections; also, unable to do wrong, incapable of sin完美的;無瑕疵的;不會犯錯的= unimpeachable, irreproachable<> reprehensible, censurable, culpableim- notpecc- 斑點 able

attest (v.)

to affirm to be true, genuine, or correct; certify or authenticate officially; stand as proof or evidence of證實;證明;作為⋯⋯的證據

copious (adj.)

abundant, plentiful, large in amount or number豐富的,大量的= ample, bountiful, profuse<> scanty, meager, sparse, paltry

fallacious (adj.)

false, misleading, deceptive, invalid, based on a fallacy謬誤的;誤導的;騙人的= erroneous, spurious, untenable, illusory, sophistical

stoic (adj.)

showing no feelings, unemotional, unaffected by pleasure or pain, bearing pain or suffering without complaint喜怒不形於色的;無情緒的;不受喜悅或痛苦所影響的= impassive, dispassionate, indifferent, apathetic, placid, languid, phlegmatic, imperturbable<> ardent, vehement, zealous, fervid, fervent

recrimination (n.)

a countercharge or counteraccusation反控訴,反指控

affinity (n.)

close resemblance or relationship, a strong likeness, similarity, or connection相似;關係密切= kinship, correspondence, compatibility, consanguinitya liking for or an attraction to something傾向;愛好= penchant, propensity, proclivity

volatile (adj.)

changeable, unstable, inconstant, likely to change or shift rapidly and unpredictably易變的;不穩定的;反復無常的= fickle, flighty, capricious, erratic, protean, mercurial<> stable, fixed, steadfast, invariable, immutable, quiescent

squalid (adj.)

dirty and run-down as a result of poverty or neglect, foul or filthy from lack of care, wretched, miserable, degraded骯髒的;邋遢的;可憐的,悲慘的= seedy, unkempt, slovenly, dilapidated<> unsullied, immaculate, pristine

expedite (v.)

to speed up, hasten, facilitate, accelerate the progress, handle or perform quickly and efficiently加速,促進<> delay, postpone, hinder, retard, slacken, protract

abject (adj.)

degraded, brought low in condition or status; hence, lacking self-respect, contemptible, wretched悲慘的;墮落的;卑劣的= debased, despicable, ignoble, groveling, servile, squalid<> noble, dignified, loft, majestic, eminent, illustrious