Surgical Tech Pharmacology Final

A drug that binds to a receptor and stimulates its function is said to be a(n) __________ drug?


Which of the following is not used for the classification of drugs?

Source of origin

An anticoagulant drug is classified by its?

Therapeutic action

Prescriptions must include all of the following information except?

Patients social security numnber

An order for a drug to be given as needed is called a _________ order.


Which one of the following abbreviations indicated that a drug is to be given orally?


How is a medication administered by any route except the mouth?


The time between the administration of a drug and the first appearance of its effects is called?


An expected but unintended effect of a drug is termed a(n)_________ effect.


Malignant hyperthermia is a(n) _________________ effect to certain drugs.


Which drug form is used the least in the surgical department?


When a drug travels from the site of administration into the bloodstream, it is called?


Drugs are chemically altered via a process called metabolism in the?


Most drugs are excreted and eliminated by the


A drug that enhances the effect of another drug is called a(n)


Which of the following types of drug binds to receptor site proteins and then inhibits a response?


How is antibiotic irrigation applied during surgery?


Many antibiotics used in surgery come in ___________ form and must be reconstituted.


Which Federal action sets the standards for quality and requires proper medication labeling for preparations containing morphine?

Pure Food and Drug Act

Drugs that are listed with a C-1 are considered to

have a high-abuse potential with no medical use

Which government agency was established to enforce the Controlled Substance Act?

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

Nonprescription medications are also known as which one of the following?

Over the counter medications (OTC)

All of the following are disadvantages to pharmacogenetics except

Its use to target specific diseases

Who assigns a brand name to a new medication?


A medication's generic name is

never capitalized on the label

The full quantity contained in a medication bottle is its

Total volume

The organization that internationally regulates medications is

The World Health Organization

How does a surgical tech know if he or she can handle and administer medications in his or her state?

By researching that state's policy online

Which drug law established classifications, known as schedules, of medications that had potential for abuse?

Controlled Substances ACT

Which of the following is an advantage of pharmacogenomics?

Complexity of the genetic research

How should an outdated multiuse vial of a local anesthetic be handled?

By returning it to the pharmacy

Seven o'clock in the morning, military time, would be written as:


The equivalent fraction to 3/4 is


In the number 123.45678, which digit is in the ten thousands place?


What is the decimal form of the fraction 1/8


1 gram of an antibiotic is equal to __________ mL of fluid.


Which member of the surgical team must document the medications that are used at the surgical field?


When changing shifts, the incoming surgical tech notices one of the medications on the sterile field is not accurately labeled. What should he or she do?

Discard the medication and ask the circulator for a new dose.

The five rights of medication administration include all of the following EXCEPT

right physician

Which statement does not apply to the required steps for proper medication identification?

show the label to the surgeon

Improper or inadequate labeling of medication may be considered


Which of the following steps does not apply once a medication error has occured?

An incident report is not required

A 30-gauge hypodermic needle is larger in diameter than an 18-gauge needle.


Before medications are delivered into the sterile field , they must be identified by

Scrub and CN

All of the following must be read aloud when identifying a drug except


The most common type of syringe used in surgery is the


When recapping a needle you should

Use the one-handed method

Who is responsible for passing a medication to the surgeon form administration during the surgical procedure?

Scrubbed surgical tech

Which of these is not on of the "five rights" but is crucial in medication administration?

Right documentation

Which one of the following hypodermic needles has the smaller lumen?


Which of the following is not a form of absorbable gelatin?


Which is not a topical hemostatic?

Calcium salts

Which one of the following causes a chemical burn to stop capillary bleeding?

Silver nitrate

Which group of drugs is given intravenously to dissolve existing blood clots?


Which one of the following is a systemic anticoagulant?


Thrombolytic medications are used to treat all of the following except


All of the following are topical hemostatics except

Vitamin K

Which one of the following agents is a thrombolytic?


Which one of the following agents is a chemical hemostatic?

Silver nitrate

If a venous clot breaks off and travels to the heart, it is called a(n)


The anterior cavity of the eye is filled with

Aqueous humour

What prep solution is acceptable for eyes, including the eyelids, brows, and cheeks?

Betadine Opthalmic

BSS is an example of which ophthalmic drug category?

Irrigating solution

Which one of the following is not a viscoelastic agent?


Drugs that constrict the pupil by stimulating the iris muscle are called


Which one of the following is commonly used as a topical ophthalmic anesthetic agent?

Tetracaine or proparacaine

Which one of the following drugs is a Diuretic?


Which one of the following, if administered preoperatively, will necessitate the placements of an indwelling urinary catheter?


When Miochol-E is used , how long does miosis last?

10 mins

Major electrolytes found in body fluids are sodium, chloride, calcium and


Food and fluids restrictions preoperatively can result in the surgical patient needing

IV fluids

The volume of erythrocytes in a given volume of blood is called which one of the following?


Another name for donor blood is which one of the following?


Which IV solution increases insulin requirements for the patient with diabetes?


One of the most common IV solutions used in the surgical setting is which one of the following?

0.9% sodium chloride

All drugs in this class act on bacteria by inhibiting a penicillin-binding protein that makes cross-links during formation of bacterial cell walls


Used as prophylaxis in a variety of surgical procedures, and several of these agents are specifically recommended as part of the SCIP measures.


Wide spectrum, last line of defense against a number of MDR bacteria.


First of the true antibiotic and available in several natural and semisynthetic


Totally synthetic form of antibiotic originally isolated from Chromobacterium violaceium


Interfere with protein synthesis by binding to bacterial ribosomes and create small holes in bacterial cell membrane causing leakage.


Category of synthetic antibiotics that inhibit DNA gyrase, a protein necessary for bacterial replication.


Which of the following would NOT gather information from the patient, to determine the optimal anesthetic plan


Given to relieve anxiety, which is common in surgical patients.


Pertaining to amnesia


Most common sedatives preoperatively are:


Benzodiazepines and are highly bound to plasma proteins

diazepam(valium), lorazepam(Ativan), and midazolam(Versed)

Pain relief, literally without pain



Astramorph or Duramorph

Most common opioid used in surgery is and is administered intravenously to provide pre-op analgesia. Effects occur 1 to 3 mins and peaks at 5 to 20 mins

meperidine (Demerol)

Agents that block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, inhibiting the transmission of parasympathetic nerve impulses


Anticholinergics most frequently used preoperatively are:

atropine, scopolamine, and glycopyrrolate

Both of these can cross the blood brain barrier, so they can also cause sedation and amnesia

atropine and scopolamine

During induction of general anesthesia, the lower esophageal may relax to an extent and cause what

that a reflux of gastric contents may occur

Gastric contents can enter the lungs during induction this complication is called what? Body's inflammatory response to the presence of foreign substances in the lungs


What does NPO stand for

Nothing by mouth or nil per os

what agents are administered pre-op to reduce nausea and minimize the possibility of post-op nausea and vomiting (PONV)

antiemetics and gastrokinetics

Three main are used to prevent PONV

Gastrokinetics (metoclopramide), Neuroleptics( droperidol), and Serotonin antagonists (ondansetron)

The most common one to prevent PONV is

Ondansetron (Zofran)

How will patients heart rate and rhythm be assessed?


Noninvasive measure of the O2 saturation of the blood

Pulse Oximetry

Measure of the force of blood against the vessel walls

Blood Pressure

How is BP measured?

inflatable cuff on arm that does not have IV cannula in place

May be assessed from any number of places like skin, axilla, bladder, esophagus and ear


Measurement of CO2 exhaled by the patient


What is used to measure patients consciouness?


This is often placed on the ulnar nerve or a branch of facial nerve a train of four used to

nerve stimulator

Usually placed in the radial artery and connected to a transducer that records continues, immediate and highly accurate measurement of BP?

Arterial pressure monitoring catheter

Positioned in the superior vena cava and is used to assess the volume of blood returning to the heart

CVP line

To obtain measurements of central venous pressure PA pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and cardiac output

PA catheter/ Swan-Ganz catheter

May be used to assess cardiac function


For a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure that includes all aspects of anesthesia care -before, during, and after the procedure?

MAC (monitored anesthesia care)

The parenteral administration of an anesthetic agent to nerve endings in the immediate surgical site

Local anesthesia

Specialized type of local infiltration requiring MAC and is widely used in liposuction


All of these may be used with Epinephrine EXCEPT;

Ropivacaine (Naropin)

The most common local anesthetic is


Technique used to accomplish both sensory and motor block nerves or groups of nerves at specific locations

Regional anesthesia

Where are spinal anesthesia injected (intrathecal route)

Through the dura mater into the subarachnoid space and cerebrospinal fluid and no higher then L3 to L4

Injected into the space surrounding the dura mater


Type of epidural block injected into the space via the sacral canal, and mainly used in urologic and lower extremity procedures

Caudal Block

May be used for procedures on distal arms and legs, the hand and fingers, and foot and toes

Peripheral Nerve block

One of the most common extremity blocks used on upper and lower extremities

Bier block

May be used on the hand, forearm, or elbow

Brachial plexus block

Injected behind the eye into the muscle cone to block branches of the oculomotor nerve

Retrobulbar Block

Literally defined as absence of sensation



Patient factors

Remains unconscious, is pain free, retains no memory of event, is immobile, and maintains normal cardiovascular function

Several class of drugs are used to achieve general anesthesia

The only depolarizing muscle relaxant in use


Long acting opioid antagonist


also used as a reversal agent

Naloxone (Narcan)

Defined as impaired breathing from constriction and inflammation of the bronchi and given 100% O2 ventilated manually or given Abuterol


Involuntary constriction of the vocal cords that may result in partial or complete closure. Succ may be administered


signs of MH

Increased end-tidal CO2PyrexiaTachycardiaTachypneaDiaphoresis

MH triggers

Sux and all inhaled anesthetics (except N2O). Presentation:- elevated ETCO2- Tachycardia- Tachypnea- hyperthermia

MH treatment

hyperventilatedantrolenesodium bicarbonatetemp managementdiureticsinsulin


protein resonsible for transport of O2 and CO2 between the lungs and the cells


volume of erythrocytes in a given voulume of blood and is expressed as a percentage.

Which drug law established classifications, known as schedules, of medications that had potential for abuse?

Controlled Substance ACT

Used medically to help prevent rejection of donated organs
