Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
Circulation of the blood and work with the microscope led to certain identification of certain bacteria.
Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
Developed smallpox vaccine
Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865)
introduced hand washing to prevent childbed fever
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Technique of Pasteurization of milk and other food products. Also, his Germ theory
Alexander Fleming (1881-1955)
Discovered penicillin, this form of medicine helped to fight bacterial diseases.
David Ho (1952)
Father of medicine, Hippocratic oath
god of healing
Greek surgeon of the Roman Empire, he described heart valves and studied arteries and veins.
Barbers and Surgeons
Barbers were also surgeons because they had all of the tools needed for surgeries. They also served in the military and treated injuries.
Barber Shop Pole
Red- BloodWhite- BandagesBlue- VeinsThey would hang bandages on the pole after a surgery and use it as advertisement.
Importance of the Renaissance
printing press for learning about medicine, scientific method applying to medicine, microscope, stethoscope
Importance of Ancient World
superstitious beliefs about health, evil spirits
Importance of the Modern World
technological impact, insurance, living longer, checkups to prevent sickness
What are antibiotics?
Drugs that kill or prevent the growth of bacteria without killing healthy body cells