Spirit Technical Qs

) How fast do you have to fly from HNL-SYD to never see the sun set?

the earth spins at 1,000 mph west to east. So traveling 1,000 mph east to west would leave the sun in the same position in the sky

When do VOR's switch from magnetic to true north

When the aircraft enters the polar region it will auto switch to TRU. The pilot can also select TRU when outside the polar region. The polar region is defined as north of 82 deg N latitude or south of 82 deg S latitude

Descending into LGA, pass the final approach fix and braking reported nil captain won't go missed, what do you do

State clearly that the runway is not suitable for landing.Tell ATC you're going around

What would you do if you turned off the runway onto a closed taxiway?

Stop, notify atc and coordinate the best course of action for getting back onto the correct taxiway with atc and my crew. Fill out asap and make use of threat and error management

The Captain wants to land on a short runway and the performance numbers say unable, what will you do?

Slowly escalate. Hey capt, showing the landing distance assessment is going to allow us to land. Hey capt, maybe we can try this runway/ this field instead, the overnight there is awesome and let's get dinner. Hey capt, this is making me uncomfortable. Hey capt, I'll calling ATC/DX with our intentions- this is clearly dangerous

Memory Item for Emergency Descent


Memory Items for an RA


Can you tell me a memory item of the plane you currently fly?

Continuous ignition onN2 below 40%Thrust levers shutoffADG manual deploy PullWhen ADG power established Stab Trim CH 2 Confirm engagedAirspeed establishAbove FL340 0.7MBelow FL340 240Maintain airpseed until ready to restart engines

Weather drop below mins outside FAF


Weather drops below mins inside FAF

May continue to approach

Difference between transition level and transition altitude

TL = Lowest usable FL (set field altimeter on descent)TA = Highest altitude at or below you'll be assigned altitude in feet (set standard above this altitude)

Max flap extension altitude for current plane


Def of flight into known icing

PIREPsVisible moisture 10C TAT and below to -40 SAT

How far from the US coastline is 250kt restriction below 10,000' valid?


If you're on a departure and a controller gives you "climb maintain FL190" do you have to comply with the previous published crossing altitudes? What about the previous airspeed restrictions?

No on altitude, yes on speed

What is dihedral?

Angle between wing plane and fuselage plane

Can you explain dutch roll?

Out of phase, lateral and directional stability. A slip to the right causes the left wing to become more perpendicular to relative wind, rolls right, more drag on left side, yaws left, right wing more perpendicular, rolls left, more drag on right side, yaws right, etc

RVSM altitudes


What altitude is used for fuel burn to alternate?

Filed altitude based on weather, terrain, and ATC

What part of the approach plate is the final segment?


Where is the touchdown zone on a runway?

First 3000' or midpoint of runway if less

Where do the numbers come from that are on a holdover chart?

Testing labs listed in Appendix B of the FAA HOT guidelines

ATC leaves you high and fast, what can you do to get slow and low?

CRJ: slow to less than 230 or 200 using shallower descent and flight spoilers, use flaps. Ask for vectors if that is not working

What does maltese cross on the approach plate mean?


Where is FAF on an ILS?

At minimum glideslope intercept altitude

What are the visibility requirements for an ILS with CL lights OTS?

Look for TDZ/CL out on approach plateWatch for a note that reduces RVR to 1800 with Flight Director or Autopilot or HUD to DA

) Where can you find the highest obstacle and MSA on SID?

MSA is on departure plate (1000' obstacle clearance and 25nm) and highest obstacle is shown by black arrow

What is the maximum bank angle under normal law with maximum side stick deflection?

67 degrees

What is the maximum pitch up angle when you pull on the side stick?

30 degrees

What are the flight control laws?

Prevents exceeding VMO and MMO by introducing a pitch up load factor demand. The pilot can not override the pitch up commandNormal lawAlternate lawDirect Law

How does spin occur?

One wing more stalled than the other wing

When would you declare minimum fuel?

Landing less than minimum fuel level orfurther deviation from planned route could result in declaration of emergency fuel

What is Vref?

1.3x stall speed

What is coffin corner?

Small range of speeds where any faster and the plane will reach critical mach number and any slower and it will stall.

Basic descent plannin

Altitude x 3 = distance to descendGS/2 and add a 0 for FPM at 3 degree descent path

Difference between min fuel and emer fuel?

Min fuel lets ATC know that further delays may result in emergency fuelEmer fuel = less than 30 minutes flight time, emergency condition

Volcanic ash is reported at the airport of your arrival. It is night time, how would you know if you flew into a volcanic ash cloud? What would you do?

Decrease in engine performanceglowing flashes of lightSmell180 degree turn and tell ATC

What threats are associated with VIRGA?

Downdrafts and microbursts

How long does a microburst last?

5-15 min

Explain your current planes Windshear escape procedure

Max thrustFollow command barsNo configuration changes until out of windshearPM calls out Descending ______ below 1000', calls out trends in airspeed and altitude, notifies ATC

What do you need to in order to descend below MDA/DA?

Flight vis > MinsUsing normal maneuvers, landing is assured in TDZALS in sight: 100 above TDZE, until red terminating or siderow , or runways conditions in sightRunway, TDZ, THL markings and lightsVASIREILs

What are MALSR lights?

RabbitsMedium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment lights

What is V1, V2, Vref, and Vapp

V1 speed which we continue takeoff even if emergencyV2= climb speed that ensures aircraft controlVref= reference speed for approachVapp= Approach speed plus gust factor

) On the ILS DME-1 RWY01 into Guatamala City, how would you get down if you were high and fast, also what altitude would you climb to if you had to go around without comms?

Descend in the hold. Go around and climb to the highest altitude in the MSA, even if.you might be on the lower side of a sector

How does dihedral help in a single engine situation?


When would you declare an emergency vs minimum fuel in a low fuel situation?

landing with less than 30 minutes (1050, 1500, 1550) vs landing with 45 minutes (1550, 2200, 2300)

What is MIFG

Shallow fog

When a runway code is given where is it measured from the runway

Every 3rd

What is the METAR code for hail?


What does 5/5/5 mean on ATIS and what is the name of each 3rd?

BA is goodTD, MID, RO

What are maximum holding speeds?

6000' and below: 2006001 - 14000: 23014001+: 265

What is a taf?How long is it valid?Can it be valid for longer than that?

Terminal area forecast24 hoursUp to 30 hours

What is virga

Rain that falls through warm air and evaporates before it reaches surface

What is a sigmet? what kind of weather can be expected?

Significant meteorological informationNon convective: Volcanic ashTropical cycloneTurbulenceIcingMtn waveDust/sand stormsConvective:Line TS= 60 miles long w/ TS affecting 40% of lengthArea TS= covers 40% of area and very strong radar reflectivityEmbedded TS= Embedded or severe TS for more than 30 minutes

What is procedure of dual engine failure?

200: cont ign, 240 knots7/900:Cont ignN2 below 40%:Thrust levers idleADG manual deploy pullEmer power established: ensure Stab Ch 2 engagedAbove FL340: 0.7MBelow FL 340: 240 until ready to start engines

On ILS Z Rwy 2 in Guatemala, coming in from NW, when can you report established on approach?

GS intercept

Where is FAF if ATC vectored you below ILS depicted FAF

GS intercept at minimum glideslope intercept altitude

What can you do if you see app lights at mins?

continue to 100' above TDZE

What is guidance for rejecting TO before/after 80 knots?

ITT exceedance below 80 knotsAfter 80 knots: Master warning

What do if tire blows before V1?


How do you know if you're on ALTN law?

Amber crosses on PFD

What are accelerate stop distances?

Total distance required to accelerate to specified speed, then be able to stop on the remaining runway

When is an alternate airport required

1231 hr within ETA: less than2000 foot ceiling3 sm

On IFR enroute chart: One VOR is shaded and one is not, why?

compulsory reporting point

What is green dot? When would it be useful in cruise?

The speed that optimizes the Iift/drag ratio. Would be the best glide speed in a dual engine failure scenario.

What is mach tuck?

As an aircraft approaches the speed of sound its wing center of pressure moves aft. As it moves aft, it creates a pitch down moment which there by increases airspeed and worsens situation