Always describe a room from the perspective of...
the doorway
Handshake stories are...
a way to creatively play with ASL
Describe rooms starting with they type of the room, the shape of the room, then:
Identify the most noticeable furniture of features in the room.
Temporal aspect (e.g. STAND-ALL-DAY) shows the...
frequency and duration of the action.
If a problem, activity or situation has occurred only once, this type of verb is called:
If a problem, activity or situation occurs frequently or regularly (several times a day, every day, every Monday), this type of verb is called:
If a problem, activity or situation occurs frequently or regularly (for the whole hours, all morning, all week long), this type of verb is called:
When you talk about a third person with someone, you need to take into account this before setting up a referent for the third person:
whether the third person is present or not present.
Agreement verbs (e.g. I-SHOW-YOU) are verbs that:
can change movement to show initiator and recipient.
Transitions tend to include:
pauses, when clauses and time signs indicating a period of time.
When members of the Deaf community first meet, they often try:
to figure out what community ties they have in common.
Approximately 90% of Deaf children have hearing parents. Dead people are concerned about those deaf children because:
hearing parents often do not have access to the Deaf community for guidance and insights and instead are given advice by hearing professionals who have very little experience with the Deaf community.
When describing an object, what do you need to take into account to decide what perspective to describe an object from?
Does the object have a definite front and back? Is the object fixed?
Durative time signs (e.g ALL-MORNING) usually occur:
at the end of your description of the activity.
This is an example of beginning-end pairs in ASL:
Deaf people are commonly
given reading materials in Braille or given a wheelchair.
Legends in the Deaf community often:
emphasize community solidarity and pride.
Hundreds are signed:
with the first number moved slightly backwards.
To show something that has been done all afternoon (e.g. CLEAN), one needs to:
repeat the verb sign with a circular movement.