Day 13

Pastor- PASTOR of a church


turn down (phrasal verb)- I TURNED DOWN the new job offer from Siemens Gamesa.


decline 1- a steady DECLINE in sales/standards2- He DECLINED TO comment. [+ to do sth]3- Sales of records have DECLINED steadily.


set an example for (phrasal verb)- Their willingness SET AN EXAMPLE of humanitarian aid FOR America


rescue (verb,noun)1- Sharps RESCUED about 125 people2- an unsuccessful rescue attempt

-(verb )to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation- kurtarmak-(noun) an occasion when someone is saved from a dangerous or unpleasant situation- kurtarma, yardım

attempt (verb, noun)1- This is his second ATTEMPT at the exam.2- He ATTEMPTED TO escape through a window. [+ to do sth]


dissident (noun)- Kemal kılıçdaroğlu is an unsuccessful DISSIDENT


Embassy (noun)- When I lost my passport, I had to contact the British EMBASSY.




obtain (verb)- The Sharps also OBTAINED visas and departure tickets


attract (verb)- We need to ATTRACT more science graduates to teaching.


heroic (adj)

- Very brave; showing great courage.- kahraman, cesur

daring (adj)- he had not made a DARING escape

- brave and taking risks- cüretkâr cesur ve risk almaya hazır, gözü pek,

come out (phrasal verb)- the couple's story only CAME OUT due to the persistent curiosity of the Sharps' grandson


divorce (verb, noun)- fter the war, the Sharps DİVORCED in 1954


modest (adj)- Both Sharps were by nature MODEST


sorrow (noun)- they felt great SORROW for the many they did not save


moral (adj)- Interview someone who had shown MORAL courage.


track down (phrasal verb)- he TRACKED DOWN people who knew something of their lives


convince (verb)persuadeinduce - He tried to CONVINCE me that I needed a new car.

- to make someone believe that something is true- ikna etmek, inandırmak

estimate (verb,noun)- The estimated number of people the Sharps were able to save