study of tissues
study of cells
Groups of cells with a common structure and function.
connective tissue
A body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts
functions of epithelial tissue
protects, absorbs, filters, secretes
characteristics of epithelial tissue
avascular, innervated, regenerates quickly (mitosis)
epithelial tissue
covers body surfaces and organs , lines body cavities
nervous tissue
contracts producing movement
muscle tissue
responds to stimuli and transmits nerve impulses
exocrine gland
releases products outside of the body through a duct (sweat, oil, salivary)
endocrine gland
release hormones inside the body into the bloodstream without a duct (pituitary adrenal)
location of simple squamous epithelium
air sacs of lungs and the lining of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
function of simple squamous epithelium
allows materials to pass through by diffusion and filtration and secretes lubricating substance
location of simple cuboidal epithelium
in ducts and secretory portions of small glands and in kidney tubules
function of simple cuboidal epithelium
secretes and absorbs
location of simple columnar epithelium
ciliated tissues are in bronchi, uterine tubes, and uterus: smooth are in digestive tract
function of simple columnar epithelium
absorbs; it also secretes mucous and enzymes
location of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
ciliated tissues lines the trachea and the upper respiratory tract
function of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
secretes mucus; ciliated tissue moves mucus
location of stratified squamous epithelium
lines the esophagus, mouth, and vagina
function of stratified squamous epithelium
protects against abrasion
location of stratified cuboidal epithelium
sweat glands, mammary glands, salivary glands
function of stratified cuboidal epithelium
protective tissue
location of stratified columnar epithelium
the male urethra and the duct of some glands
function of stratified columnar epithelium
secretes and protects
location of transitional epithelium
lines the bladder, urethra, and ureters
function of transitional epithelium
allows the urinary organs to expand and stretch
function of connective tissue
cushions and protects, stores nutrients, internal support, the connection between bones and joints, give organs strength
3 elements of connective tissues
ground substance, fibers, and cells
types of loose connective
areolar, adipose, reticular
areolar connective tissue
cushions organs, loose arrangement of cells and fibers
adipose connective tissue
storehouse for nutrients, packed with fat cells and blood vessels
reticular connective tissue
internal framework for some organs, delicate network of fibers and cells (spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow)
2 types of dense connective tissue
regular and irregular
dense regular connective tissue
tendons and ligaments; regularly arranged bundles packed with fibers running in the same direction
irregular dense connective tissue
skin and organ capsules
3 types of special connective tissue
cartilage, bone, blood
provides strength with flexibility while resisting wear; has 3 types
Bones (osseous tissue)
provides framework for body, stores calcium, and contains blood-forming cells
transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients around the body
cell that produces melanin
function of nervous tissue
conducts electrical impulses to and from body organs via the neurons
3 elements of the nervous system
brain, spinal cord, and nerves
function of muscle tissue
allows body movement, moves blood, food, and waste, responsible for digestion
3 types of muscle tissue
skeletal, cardiac, smooth
smooth muscle tissue
In the walls of internal organs; usually involuntarily controlled
cardiac muscle tissue
striated and involuntary
skeletal muscle tissue
multinucleate; striated, parallel fibers
tissue repair in 2 ways
regeneration and fibrosis
regeneration tissue repair
replacement of destroyed tissue by the same kind of cells
fibrosis tissue repair
involves fibrous connective tissue, scar tissue
steps to tissue repair in correct order
hemostasis --> inflammation --> proliferation --> remodeling