Bovine Estrous Cycle

Estrus =

In heat (noun)

Estrous =

The cycle (adj)

When does the estrous cycle begin in cows?

At puberty

Cattle have what kind of estrous cyclicality


Cow estrous cycle length


Cow estrous cycle duration


Cow time from onset of estrus to ovulation


4 stages of Estrous cycle

-Proestrus (d19 to estrus) -Estrus (d0) -Metestrus (d1-3) -Diestrus (d 4-18)

Follicular phase is made up of what two stages?

-Proestrus -Estrus

Luteal phase is made up of what two stages?

-Metestrus -Diestrus

Follicular growth and degeneration occurs throughout

Estrous cycle

Follicular dynamic: Cohort of small follicles begin to grow and secrete E2


Follicular dynamic:A group of growing follicles are selected


Follicular dynamic: Follicle becomes dominant; increasing amounts of E2 and inhibin secreted


Follicular dynamic: Occurs continuously throughout folliculogenesis; it is the follicles that die off when a dominant one is chosen


When does maternal recognition occur in bovine? What happens if theres no pregnancy?

-15-17d -No baby? PGF2 alpha

During recruitment, the hormone levels are: _____ FSH _____ LH ______ Inhibin

-High -Low-Low

During selection, the hormone levels are: _____ FSH _____ LH ______ Inhibin


During dominance, the hormone levels are: _____ FSH _____ LH ______ Inhibin

-Low-High -High

-Stimulate emergence of follicles (recruitment)


FSH is controlled by? Secreted by?

-E2 and Inhibin -Growing follicles

-Promote final growth and maturation -Stimulate ovulation


LH is regulated by?

GnRH pulse frequency (Luteal phase by the tonic center: 6 pulses; Follicular phase by the surge center: 24)

What is a positive feedback on the surge center? Which then has what kind of feedback on FSH?

-Estrogen -Negative

Breeding Strategy: -Male exposed to cycling female -BUll does detecting -Beef industry

Natural service

Definitive sign of heat detection in cattle

Standing heat

What is the AM/PM rule?

-See animal standing in morning breed in evening -Breed that next morning

Pros to AI

-Genetics-Uniform -Calving ease for heifers

Equipment needed for AI

-NItrogen tank -Catch pen -Handling facilities-Time/labor -Meds

Secondary signs of Estrus

-Anxious -Vocalization -Restless (pedometer) -Vulva swelling -Mucous discharge-Chin resting -Head riding

Estrus detection system that records date, time, and duration of every mount

Heat watch system

How does a teaser bull work

-A bull that can not breed, but can leave a mark to show she's in heat -Can have lateral deviation of penis

Cows have an ___________ number of steps during estrus


Is fertility improved by control or synchronization?

NO-Can even be reduced

Pros of Synchronization of Estrus

-Reduce window of insemination -Reduce time spent in estrus detection -Enhance estrus detection -Allow scheduled breeding -Synchrony for embryo transfer

What are the opportunities to control the cycle?

-Control length of luteal phase-Control time of follicular wave emergence -Control LH surge and ovulation AI needs all 3

What does exogenous progesterone do?

-Alter LH pulse frequency -Prevents follicles from getting to pre-ovulatory size -Stops LH surgeno ovulation = no heat

You would use exogenous progesterone to extend what phase?

Luteal (trick cow into thinking it still has a CL)

Why would you want to extend the luteal phase?

If you give the progesterone (CIDR, MGA); then remove it and give luteolyse... the cycle will start and now you know day 0

-Orally active progestin -Used in feedlots -Suppresses ovulation and estrus signs-Synchronous estrus is following withdrawal -Causes poor fertility


Issues with MGA estrus synchronization

-Proper planning -Loss of synchrony

What can you use to shorten the Luteal Phase?


When will PGF2 alpha work in the cycle

Day 6 post estrus

Pro of 2 shot of PF2alpha vs 1 in a herd

2 = more cows will come into heat

Issue with PGF2alpha

There is a variation in response(heifers faster response, brahman respond poorly, may be anestrus, may be pregnant)

Benefits of timed AI

-Synchronized emergence -Programmed luteolysis

What is more powerful than PGF alone programs

Wave emergency + luteal control with GnRH, CIDR, AND PG

How does Ovsynch (timed AI) work?

-Given GnRH -Give PGF2alpha -Give ANOTHER GnRH to push follicle -Breed 16-20h after that