Cognitive Psychology Ch 12 Problem Solving and Creativity

initial state

set of conditions at the beginning of problem in problem-solving

goal state

condition that occurs when a problem has been solved

intermediate state

set of conditions that exists along the pathways between the initial and goal states in problem-solving


permissible move that can be made toward a problem's solution in problem-solving

problem space

set of all possible conditions for a particular difficult situation

means-end analysis

problem-solving strategy that seeks to reduce the difference between the starting and ending conditions


intermediate condition that is closer to the solution


situation in which there is an obstacle between a present state and a goal state


the process of changing the problem's representation


a sudden realization of a problem's solution


pausing of the eyes on places of interest while observing a scene

functional fixedness

knowledge of an object's standard purpose limits an individual's ability to use the object differently

candle problem

task used to study functional fixedness

mental set

preconceived notion about how to approach a problem based on a person's experience

water jug problem

task that illustrates how mental set can influence strategies people use to solve a problem

Tower of Hanoi problem

task used to illustrate the process involved in means-end analysis

mutilated checkerboard problem

task to study how statement of a problem influences the ability to reach a solution

think-aloud protocol

procedure used to help determine people's thought processes as they are solving a problem


act of making a comparison in order to show a similarity between two different things

analogical problem solving

use of comparison as an aid to figuring out issues

analogical transfer

shift of experience in solving one problem to the solution of another, similar problem

source problem

task analogous to the current task that can help solve the current task

radiation problem

task used to study the role of analogy in resolving issues

surface feature

specific element that make up a problem

analogical encoding

-a technique in which people compare 2 problems that illustrate a principle

analogical paradox

difficulty using comparisons in laboratory settings while routinely using them in real-world settings

in vivo problem-solving research

observation of people to determine how they find answers to complex issues in real-world situations

divergent thinking

method of generating ideas that is open-ended, involving a large number of potential solutions

group brainstorming

technique whereby people in a problem-solving group are encouraged to express all ideas without censorship

creative cognition

technique developed by Finke to train people to think imaginatively

preinventive form

object in Finke's creative cognition experiment that precedes the creation of a finished product


phenomenon of getting ideas after taking a "time-out" from working on a problem


paying attention on purpose, in the moment, and nonjudgmentally, to the unfolding of experience moment to moment

open monitoring (OM) meditation

achieving mindfulness by paying attention to whatever comes into the mind, and following that thought