
ICD-10 Criteria for GAD

Generalised and persistent somatic (physical) and psychological symptoms of anxietyOccurs for at least several weeks at a time Symptoms usually involve elements of apprehension, motor tension)

Order of drug therapy for GAD

SSRIs --> alternative SSRI or SNRI --> Pregabalin

ICD-10 of Panic Disorder

Several attacks within one month in circumstances with no objective dangerNot confined to known or predictable situationsShould be a comparative freedom from anxiety between attacks

ICD-10 Criteria for Phobias

Presence of psychological and autonomic symptoms Avoidance of the phobic situation must be a prominent featureAnxiety restricted to these certain situations

ICD-10 Agrophobia

Anxiety must be restricted to at least two of the following..CrowdsPublic placesTravelling aloneTravelling away from home

ICD-10 for social phobia

Anxiety must be restricted to or predominate in particular social situations

ICD-10 for specific phobia

Anxiety must be restricted to or predominate in particular phonic object or situation

Management of Obsessive compulsive disorder

ERP or CBTConsider SSRIs or clomipramine (a TCA good for OCD)

Definition of PTSD

Delayed or protracted response to a stressful event, symptoms must be persistant for more than 1-6 months) depending on the classification system

Clinical Features of PTSD

Hyperarousal / Alterations in arousal and reactivityRe-experiencing ('Flashbacks') Avoidance of reminders of the event