French, Dutch, and English Colonies

Northwest Passage

a water route across North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Protestant Reformation

sixteenth-century religious reform movement begun by Martin Luther

Coureurs de bois

French colonists who lived and worked in Native American lands beyond the French settlements


an agreement between nations to aid and protect one another


legal document giving certain rights to a person or company


a representative to the colonial Virginia government

House of Burgesses

a representative assembly in colonial Virginia

Representative Government

a political system in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them

Magna Carta

a British document signed in 1215 that contained two basic ideas: monarchs themselves have to obey the laws, and citizens have basic rights

Indentured Servants

a person who pledges to work for a master for a period until he or she pays off a debt, such as the cost of a voyage to a colony

Bacon's Rebellion

a 1676 revolt of Virginia colonists against the colony's government


edge of the settlement

Martin Luther

a German monk

Queen Elizabeth

a Protestant queen who ruled England

John Cabot

Italian captain who lead England's first voyage to North America

Giovanni da Verrazano

Italian captain in search of a northwest passage for the French

Henry Hudson

English explorer who sailed for the Dutch

Peter Minuit

led a group of Dutch settlers to the mouth of the Hudson River


English colony in North America


an island off the coast of present-day North Carolina