Topic 5 - On the Wild Side


Autotrophs. Organisms at the start of the food chain that convert inorganic matter into organic matter via photosynthesis.

Systematic sampling

Taking samples from fixed intervals across a habitat. E.g., using line transects and belt transects.

Random sampling

Sampling method where each individial unit has an equal chance of being selected. An area might be split up into grids and a random number generator used. At least 10 quadrat samples should be taken.


The place where a community of organisms is found.

Abiotic factors

Non-living factors affecting an ecosystem. Physical and chemical factors (soil type, climate, temperature, pH)

Biotic factors

Factors affecting ecosystems determined by organisms (food availability, predation, competition, disease).

Interspecific competition

Organisms of different species compete with each other for the same resources (leads to available resources being reduced for BOTH populations)

Intraspecific competition

Competition between individuals of the same species. This drives evolution (survival of the fittest / best adapted)


Where one organism kills and eats another organism.

Structural niche

Location of an organism in its environment

Feeding niche

Types of food eaten by an organism.

Trophic levels

Successive levels of feeding niches. Shows energy flow in ecosystems. Only 10% of energy/biomass is transferred.

Autotrophic nutrition

The synthesis of organic molecules (glucose, amino acids, nucelotides) from simple inorganic molecules (carbon dioxide, water, minerals)

Gross Primary Productivity

The total amount of energy fixed as chemical energy during photosynthesis carried out by producers.

Net Primary Productivity

GPP - respiration. Products which are incorporated into the producer's biomass (proteins, starch, cellulose etc.)


The dry mass of all of the living organisms in an area


The energy built into the organisms of a trophic level in the food chain. Measured in kilojoules per square metre per year.


Organisms that feed off waste organic matter


Organisms that break down organic waste matter into inorganic matter


Organisms that only eat producers


Heterotrophs. Organisms that feed off other organisms.


Organisms that consume both producers and consumers

Biomass transfer efficiency

The proportion of energy transferred between biomass levels - calculated as (biomass at higher level / biomass at lower level) * 100 (%)

Anthropogenic climate change

Changes in the climate that are caused by human activity


The use of tree rings to work out data about the tree and its environment which can be useful for analysing changes in climate conditions.


Resources which can be continually renewed and used without being depleted.

Greenhouse effect

The increase of global temperatures caused by the trapping of solar heat by gases in the atmosphere

Allopatric speciation

The development of new species over time following the geographic isolation of populations of a species

Sympatric speciation

The development of a new species over time in the same area as the original species without any geographical isolation. Could be pre-zygotic or post-zygotic isolation.

Gene flow

The movement of genes / alleles between interbreeding populations of a particular species.

Carbon cycle

The processes which cycle carbon through the environment, living organisms and the atmosphere.


Fuels produced using biomass. Carbon neutral, renewable, can be made from waste products. Encourages deforestation, conflicts of space with food sources. Process to make fuels isn't always carbon neutral.

Natural selection

The process by which the frequency of beneficial alleles gradually increases in a population's gene pool over time.


A directional change / sequence of changes in a community over time.

Climax community

A community that reamins stable and shows little change over time (final stage of succession).

Pioneer species

The first species to occupy a new area


The occupation of a new area by a species

Directional selection

A type of selection that favours one extreme phenotype and selects against all other phenotypes.


Addition of a phosphate group (also a condensation reaction).


Addition of a phosphate group (to ADP) using light


Splitting a molecule using water


Splitting a molecule using light energy

Thylakoid membrane

Phospholipid bilayer with chlorophyll molecules embedded. Site of the light-dependent reaction and ATP synthesis.

Double membrane

Envelope of the chloroplast permeable to oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose and some ions with an inter-membrane space.


A stack of thylakoids. Creates a large surface area to increase light-trapping effieciency.


Aqueous fluid matrix, site of the light-independent reactions in the chloroplast. Contains enzymes, sugar, organic acids and oil droplets.


Sticks thylakoid stacks together to form grana.

Starch grain

Excess polysaccharides made during photosynthesis are stored temporarily as starch.


Energy released from glucose is used to make this from ADP & Pi. Consists of adenine (nucleotide base), ribose sugar (5 carbon), and 3 phosphate groups.