BRENNAN- World History Chpt 2 Section 2

300 years

Around 2600 BC the period known as the Old Kingdom began in Egypt. It lasted about ________. During those years, Egypt grew and prospered.


The Egyptian kings or ___________, lived with their familes in grand palaces.


Like the people of Mesopotamia, the ancient Egyptians worshiped many gods and goddesses, or ______.


The main Egyptian god was the sun god ______.


Another major god was _______, who ruled the Nile River.


The most important goddess was _________.


represented the loyal wife and mother and she rules over the dead with her husband Osiris.


Egyptians believed that life after death was even ______ than life on Earth.

Book of the Dead

One of the most important manuscripts written in ancient Egypt was the _________________.

Book of Dead

collection of spells and prayers that Egyptians studied to obtain life after death.


To protect the pharaohs body so that it could journey to the afterlife, the Egyptians developed a process for royal burials known as ________.

dried out

In embalming the organs were removed from the body and the body was _______.


The bodies were cleaned with oil and wrapped with linen, the wrapped body was known as a _____________.

human body

Egyptians learned much about the _____________


Egyptians were the first to become specialist in _______


the Egyptians built mountainlike ____________ made entirely of stone as a tomb for a pharaoh of Egypt.

clothing, furniture, jewelry, food

the pyramids help supplies that the pharaoh might need in the spirit world, including _____________________.

square base

Each pyramid sat on a ______________.


the entrance of a pyramid faces ______.

365- day

The Egyptians invented __________ calendar.

12 months

The Egyptian calendar has ________.

modern calender

The egyptian calendar became the basis for our __________.

Great Pyramid

About 2540 BC, the Egyptians built the largest and grandest of the pyramids known as the __________.

King Khufu

The great pyramid was built for _________________.

tallest structure

The great pyramid was the ________________ in the world for more than 4000 years.


Egyptians pyramids are the ______ stone buildings in the world.


The biggest is taller than a ______ story building.

Statue of Liberty

The biggest pyramid is taller than the ________.


Men built the pyramids without the help of ________ we have today.

2 cars

One stone block weighes as much as _________

5 elephants

One stone block weighed even as much as ___________.


Pyramids were built to ________ the pharaohs bodies after death.


the largest pyramid is in ______.

2500 BC

the largest pyramid was built around ______.

King Khufu

The largest pyramid was built for _________.

10 football fields

The largest pyramid covers an area greater than __________.


Around 1500 BC the rulers began building their tombs in isolates cliffs near the city of _______.

The valley of Kings

The area were the rulers began building their tombs in isolated cliffs and contains the tombs of many later pharaohs is called _____________.

King Tute

A young pharaoh known as ______ was buried in the valley of Kings.

un touched

King Tute tomb was found practically _____ by robbers.


rocks that were used in most pyramids is __________.


The rock was ____________ from mountains close to the Nile.

wooden boats

The rock were transported in ____________ to the pyramid site.


Once the rock was unloaded, the stone blocks were hauled on _____ over wooden rollers (logs) by gangs of men.


______ built of mud brick were used to haul the stones to the level they were working on so they could be set in place.


No ______ were used to help the men becuase they were considered too valuable.


For religious purposes, the pyramids has to be built on the _______ side of the Nile, where the sun set.


Inside a pyramid, the king's chamber was decorated with paintings and ________.

jewerly,furniture and food

the pyramid was filled with _________________ that he might need in the afterlife.

escape shaft

______ was a tunnel that let people out of a the tomb once they buried the king and sealed his tomb.


The secret door to the tomb was ___________ and known by few.


The Egyptians believed that life after death was very similar to life on _______.

mummification (or embalming)

The process of preserving a body for the afterlife was called ___________.

70 days

Mummification might take as long as _______.


Four priests, one dressed as the jackal-headed god, ______, removed the inner organs of the body.


The inner organs of the body was placed in 4 ___________ jars.


Each jar was protected by one of the four sons of the god ___________.


The lid of each jar was in the shape of one of the four sons' ______.


the ______ was removed through the nose and thrown away.


the _____ was left in the body.


they thought the heart did the _________.

40 days

The body was dried out for ______.


They dried the body out using a salt compound called ________.


The body was _______.


The body was treated with ______ to make the skin smoother.


The body cavity was _____ with materials to plump it up.


the body was wrapped in bandages of _______.

2 weeks

Just the process of wrapping the body may have taken _______.


Good luck charms called _______ were wrapped with the body.

death mask

The face was covered with a ________ designed to look like the face of the dead person.


the mummy was placed in as many as _____ coffins.


The largest coffin was a stone ________.


The family and friends would bring the _______ that the dead person had collected and walk with the mummy to its final resting place.


there were also professional _______who would wail and throw ash on themselves while priests would say prayers


the professional mourners were dressed in _______.

Book of the Dead

At the tomb, the priests would read from the ________ .


The Book of the dead was full of spells and magic prayers to ensure safe passage to the ________.

The Wishing of the Heart

Ancient Egyptians believed that you had to pass a test called _______________________.


Your heart was weighed against the weight of a magic _______.


if your heart was _____ because you has lived a good, hard working, caring life, the scale would balance, and you would enjoy the afterlife.


If it didnt balance , then a demon god would eat your heart. After the mummy was placed in the tomb, the door was locked and often _____ to try to prevent robbers from finding the treasures.