Yo estoy escribiendo una carta.

I am writing a letter.

Yo estoy leyendo un libro.

I am reading a book.

Yo estoy lavando mi ropa.

I am washing my clothes.

Tú estás bailando salsa.

You are dancing salsa.

Tú estás haciendo la tarea.

You are doing homework.

Tú estás organizando una fiesta.

You are organizing a party.

Él está escuchando música.

He is listening to music.

Él está tocando el piano.

He is playing the piano.

Él está jugando soccer.

He is playing soccer.

Ella está llorando.

She is crying.

Ella está viendo televisión.

She is watching TV.

Ella está usando un vestido negro.

She is wearing a black dress.

Ellos están jugando volibol.

They are playing volleyball.

Ellas están usando lentes de sol.

They are wearing sunglasses.

usar sombrero

wear a hat

usar una playera

wear a t-shirt

A las 7.00 p.m. yo estaba cenando.

At 7.00 p.m. I was having dinner.

A las 10.00 a.m. yo estaba desayunando.

At 10.00 a.m. I was having breakfast.

A las 12.00 p.m. yo estaba tomando un baño.

At 12.00 p.m. I was taking a shower.

A las 7.00 a.m. mi mamá estaba durmiendo.

At 7.00 a.m. my mother was sleeping.

A las 9.30 p.m. mi papá estaba hablando por teléfono.

At 9.30 p.m. my father was talking by phone.