Vaughn test multiple choice

Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called..

Binary Fission

The cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides by a process called..


The fibers that extend from centrosome to centrosome during mitosis are..

Polar fibers

In the G0 phase, cells...

Exit from the cell cycle

During synapsis, the...

Chromosomes line up next to their homologues.

During crossing over, portions of chromatids...

Break off and attach to adjacent chromatids in the homologous chromosome.

In which phase of meiosis do tetrads form?

Prophase I

Meiosis II

Separates chromatids into opposite poles of the cell

In oogenesis, a diploid reproductive cell divides meiosis ally to produce..

One haploid gamete

Chlorophyll a...

Absorbs mostly orange-red and blue-violet light.

The photosystems and electron transport chains are located in the..

Thylakoid membrane

Both photosystem I and photosystem II..

Contain chlorophyll a molecules

Water participates directly in the light reactions of photosynthesis by..

Donating electrons to photosystem II.

The energy that is used to establish the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane comes from the...

Passage of electrons along the electron transport chain of photosystem II.

The breakdown product of glucose that diffuses into the mitochondrial matrix for further breakdown is..

Pyruvic acid

The starting substance of the Krebs cycle, which is regenerated at the end of the cycle, is..

Oxaloacetic acid.

The Krebs cycle..

Breaks down a two-carbon molecule into two molecules of CO2

The electron transport chain of aerobic respiration..

Pumps protons into the space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes.

In eukaryotic cells, DNA is copied during a phase of the cell cycle called..

s phase

The maximum efficiency of aerobic respiration is approximately..


Glycolysis takes place..

In the cytosol

During glycolysis, glucose is...

Partially broken down and some of its stored energy is released

Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce..

NAD+ from NADH and H+

The efficiency of glycolysis is approximately..


The anaerobic pathways provide enough energy to meet all of the energy needs of...

Many unicellular and some multicellular organisms

The Calvin cycle begins when CO2 combines with a five-carbon carbohydrate called..


For every three molecules of CO2 that enter the Calvin Cycle, the cycle produces one molecule of..


Organic compounds that can be made from the products of the Calvin cycle include..

Carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids

C3 and C4 plants differ in terms of the number of..

Carbon atoms in the compound that CO2 is initially incorporated into.

As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis..

Initially increases and then levels off.