Transphenoidal hypophysectomy
is removal of the pituitary gland. This procedure is close to the brain. Clear drainage from the nares could indicate a cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) leak. The nurse would need to contact the health care provider and send the drainage to the laboratory to e
serum glucose test
Fasting before the test is indicated for accurate and reliable results; food before the test will increase serum glucose levels through metabolism of the nutrients. Food should not be ingested before the test; food will increase the serum glucose level, n
Signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
Nervousness and weakness are the most commonly reported symptoms of hypoglycemia and are related to increased sympathetic nervous system activity. Feeling flushed and short of breath are adaptations of hyperglycemia. Being thirsty, having a headache, bein
acute pancreatitis
Major complications from acute pancreatitis include hypoxia, hypovolemia, and hypocalcemia. The presence of Chvostek's sign (Cheek has a muscle spasm when the mastoid is tapped) indicates a systemic low calcium level, which is a priority over expected sig
signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.
The client taking Humulin N insulin would experience peak effects of the medication from approximately 6 to 12 hours after administration. At this time, the client is at risk for hypoglycemia if food intake is insufficient. The nurse should teach the clie
postoperative care for a client one hour after the client had an adrenalectomy
Because of instability of the vascular system and the lability of circulating adrenal hormones after an adrenalectomy, hypotension frequently occurs until the hormonal level is controlled by replacement therapy. Hyperglycemia is a sign of excessive adrena
adrenal insufficiency
Deficiency of glucocorticoids causes hypoglycemia in the client with Addison disease. Clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia include nervousness; weakness; dizziness; cool, moist skin; hunger; and tremors. Hypokalemia is evidenced by nausea, vomiting, mu
thyroidectomy, accidental removal of the parathyroid glands during surgery
Parathyroid removal eliminates the body's source of parathyroid hormone (parathormone), which increases the blood calcium level. The resulting low body fluid calcium affects muscles, including the diaphragm, resulting in dyspnea, asphyxia, and death. Loss
scheduled for a bilateral adrenalectomy. Which medication should the nurse expect to be prescribed for this client on the day of surgery and in the immediate postoperative period
Hydrocortisone succinate is a glucocorticoid. A client undergoing bilateral adrenalectomy must be given adrenocortical hormones so that adjustment to the sudden lack of these hormones that occurs with this surgery can take place Methimazole is used to tre
is a common complication of cushing's syndrome, resulting from chronic steroid use, leading to an increased risk for fracture
is caused by excessive release of an ADH. as a result the excess ADH, the pt retains water creating dilutional hyponatremia
graves disease
is a common cause of hyperthyroidism, an imbalance of metabolism caused by overproduction of the thyroid hormone. thyroid storm, an exaggerated condition of hyperthyroidism is associated with the development of fever, hypertension, abdominal pain, and tac
parathyroid hormone
regulates calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium balance within the blood and bone by maintaining a balance between mineral levels in the blood and bone, hyperparathyroidism is associated with hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia
a disorder caused by excessive production of somatotropin (growth hormone) after closing of the epiphyses (the growth plate at the ends of long bones) by the pituitary gland. it results in gradual enlargement of body tissues including the bones of the fac
the somogyi effect
refers to a swing to a high blood glucose in the morning after an extremely low level or glucose occurring after an untreated insulin reaction during the night. the swing is caused by the release of stress hormones to counter low glucose levels. monitorin
a tumor of the adrenal gland that causes excess release of the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine that regulate blood pressure and heart rate. A lab test used for dx includes a urine test for canillylmandelic acid (VMA) which measures the level
addisons disease
a hormone deficiency caused by damage to the outer layer of the adrenal gland (adrenal cortex). ... occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormone cortisol and in some cases the hormone aldosterone. the pt with ... requires a diet high in sa
early manifestations of hypoglycemia
drowsiness, fatigue, headache, shakiness, and nausea
diabetes insipidus
characterized by increased thirst, and increased urination. the large quantity of urine will have a very low specific gravity