Anthropology Exam 1

The doctrine that invokes a realm of justice and morality at the INDIVIDUAL level beyond (and superior to) certain counties, cultures, and religions. These are usually seen as the right to seek freely, to freely hold religious beliefs (or lack thereof) wi

Human rights

The doctrine that certain rights in individuals but in IDENTIFIABLE GROUPS, such as religious and ethnic minorities and indigenous societies.

Cultural rights

The cultural base of a society that defines a set of core beliefs and principles that are shared by a group as collective cultural knowledge and are specific to a culture.

Intellectual property rights

While anthropologists use cultural relativism to remain objective and sensitive to cultural practices. This doesn't mean that anthropologists have to ignore this.

International standards of justice and morality.

What is one of the most fundamental key assumptions that anthropologists share?

A comparative, cross-cultural approach is essential to study the human condition.

The most commonly accepted explanation of the origin of species during the 18th century (300 years ago).


Geologist Charles Lyell introduced this term that explains that past geological events should be sought in ordinary forces that are at work today. This consideration was an important contribution to the development of the theory of natural selection to ma


First introduced by Charles Darwin 150 years ago. Remains the best explanation for the mechanisms of how (genetic) evolution works.

Natural selection

In order for natural selection to work on a particular population, what must be present?


Through the process of natural selection _____ traits are favored and lead to greater fitness within individuals.


Anthropologists are interested in the study of "us" and our immediate ancestors. T/F
