Life Management Chapter 15


chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person's body or behavior


drug that slows brain and body reactions

in slowing body's normal reactions, alcohol may cause:

confusion, decreased alertness, poor coordination, blurred vision, and drowsiness

what vital functions are affected in large amounts of alcohol?

heartbeat and breathing


microorganisms called yeast feed on the sugars in foods such as malted grains, grapes, or berries

what is produced in fermentation

carbon dioxide and alcohol

alcohol content of alcoholic beverages range from

4 percent to 50 percent

what will beverages with a greater percentage of alcohol such as whiskey, gin, and rum list on the label

their proof

how to calculate alcohol content from proof

divide by 2

many schools have adopted a _____ for alcohol

zero-tolerance policy

what can strongly influence underage drinking (from people)?

attitudes of peers, family, and the media

why would teens drink or not drink (peer related)?

drinking to fit indo what their classmates are doingknow a friend with alcohol problem and don't want to turn out that wayknow a friend or family member who was killed

influence of the media on teens drinking

bombard public with advertisementsusually ad says nothing about productads promote one sided image of drinkers as athletic, healthy, and successfuldrinking will make you more popular or attractive

risks of underage drinking

-being injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash-committing or being the victim of sexual assault or other violences-long term brain damage-problems with alcohol later in life-suspension from school, sports teams, or other school activities

legal risks from underage drinking

heavy fineslawful seizures of property

Yes or No? selling alcohol to someone under the age of 21 is okay for the seller.

false. it is a criminal offense

how to use refusal skills

1) give a reason for your refusal2) use body language to reinforce what you say3) show your concern for others4) provide alternatives5) tale a definitie action

which pathway does alcohol follow?

digestive system


state in which a person's mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol or another substance

what negative effects accompany intoxication on what?

drinker's body and behavior

effects on behavior because of alcohol

-lose judgement and self control-decrease drinker's natural fears-express anger in violent or destructive ways


period of time that the drinker cannot recall (no memory)

what do the effects of alcohol depend on?

how much alcohol is circulating in bloodstream

blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

amount of alcohol in a person's blood, expressed as percentage

factor of rate of consumption on BAC: liver

chemically breaks down or metabolizes alcohol at a fairly constant rate

factor of gender on BAC: males vs. females

males generally have a lower BAC because a larger portion of the alcohol gets metabolized in the stomach before it enters the bloodstream also the liver is more efficient in males

factor of body size on BAC

smaller people, by weight and height, feel the effects of the alcohol more than larger people

factor of amount of food in the stomach on BAC

drinking on empty stomach increases rate of alcohol absorption into bloodstream

what happens after drinking ends

-BAC begins to decrease= becoming sober or sobering up-nothing can speed up the liver's ability to break it down-only time can heal


after affects of drinking too much alcohol

life threatening effects of intoxication

-vehicle crashes-alcohol overdose -interactions of alcohol with other drugs

what percentage of motor vehicle crashes is alcohol involved with?


why are underage drivers more like to crash

lack of experience

legal limit of a driver over 21


consequence of exceeding legal limit of BAC while driving

DWI/driving while intoxicated

acceptable BAC for underage drivers



excessive amount of a drug that leads to a coma or death

another name for alcohol overdose

alcohol poisoning

alcohol continues to be absorbed into the blood for how long after a person's last drink

30 to 90 minutes

binge drinking

consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol at one sitting

combination of alcohol ad another drug consequences

-greater than either drug would produce by itself-drastic changes in the body-effects are more than doubled-dangerously slow heart and breathing rates

long tern alcohol abuse can cause what to the body?

-harm to brain, liver, heart, and digestive system

what can happen when a pregnant woman drinks?

harm to developing baby

long term alcohol abuse: to brain

-destroy nerve cells in brain-usually those cells cannot grow again-impair memory-impair ability to concentrate -impair ability to make judgements

fetal alcohol syndrome

group of birth defects caused by effects of alcohol on an unborn child

babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome may suffer

-heart defects-malformed faces-delayed growth-poor motor development -mental retardation

leading preventable cause of mental retardation in the US

drinking while pregnant

long term alcohol abuse: to liver

-affects liver's ability to metabolize/ break down fats-liver fills with fat which blocks blood flow in liver-fat-filled liver cells die which leaves behind useless car tissue


disease of liver in which it becomes filled with useless scar tissue-can lead to liver failure

alcohol hepatitis

inflammation of the liver caused by toxic effects of alcohol

leading cause of death in US

heart disease

long term alcohol abuse: to heart

-blood pressure and heart rate increase-irregular heartbeat-buildup of fatty deposits in heart muscle

long term alcohol abuse: to digestive system

-irritates tissues that line the digestive system and causes inflammation

repeated inflammation in the digestive system can increase the risk of

-cancers of the mouth, tongue, esophagus, and stomach-recurring diarrhea -chronic indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers


desease where people can no longer control their use of alcohol


causes a drinker's body to need increasingly larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the original effect


brain develops a chemical need for alcohol and cannot function normally without it


drinker no longer has control over his or her drinking

what is alcohol addiction characterized by

craving or strong emotional need for alcohol

how much more is alcohol common among children of alcoholics than general population, and why?

4 to 5 times moreinfluence of genetics and environment a person grows up in

what play a strong role in determining whether a person or not will develop a drinking problem?

attitudes towards drinking and the availability of alcohol

3 stages of alcoholism

1) problem drinking2) absolute dependence 3) late stage of alcoholism

stage 1 of alcoholism: problem drinking

to relieve stress or escape from problems at home, school, or work

stage 2 of alcoholism: absolute dependence

drinker becomes totally dependent on the drug (alcohol dominates the person's life)

stage 3 of alcoholism: late stage of alcoholism

-alcoholics rapidly lose their mental, emotional, and physical health-become isolated from society-reverse tolerance

reverse tolerance

a conditions in which less and less alcohol causes intoxication

serious health problems of late stage alcoholism

-malnutrition -liver and brain damage-cancer-lung disease-heart disease

in one year, what causes the US over $220 billion

-alcohol related crimes-medical expenses-lost productivity on the job-motor vehicle crashes

alcohol is involved with how many deaths per year?


how many americans grow up in an alcoholic family

1 out of 5

3 stages in an alcoholic's recovery

1) acknowledging the problem2) detoxification 3) rehabilitation

alcoholic's recovery stage 1: acknowledging the problem

ask for help and know the problem

alcoholic's recovery stage 2: detoxification

-involves removing all alcohol from a person's body-may experience withdrawal

withdrawal (& how long it lasts)

-group of symptoms that occur when a dependent person stops taking a drug-last from 3 to 7 days

symptoms of withdrawal

-shakiness-sleep problems-irritability-rapid heartbeat-sweating-see, smell, or feel imaginary objects

alcoholic's recovery stage 3:rehabilitation

-process of learning to cope with everyday living without alcohol-alcoholics receive counseling to help them understand their disease and behavior

support groups

community, religious, and health organizations often sponsor support groups for alcoholics

sticking to your decision not to drink means what?

being able to say no with confidence in situations where other people are drinking

refusal skills

skills needed to say no

avoid what kind of situations?

-in which alcohol is present and it will help you to stay alcohol free-also help you avoid related risks like being injured by someone who has been drinking

alternatives to parties

healthy activities such as:-sports-hobbies-playing an instrument-help an organization to raise money-organize a school activity

legal age to drink in Florida is ___ and anywhere else in the US the age is ___

21, 21


driving under the influence

In Florida or anywhere else in the US and you are 21 years old or older, a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of ___ will get you a DUI.


Under the age of 21 a BAC of ___ can get you arrested


Drunk driving is the ______________ of teens

leading cause of death

alcohol is always classified as a ______, however, at low doses it acts a ________


What do alcohols all have in common?

They are all one DRINK. It doesn't matter what you are drinking, it is still a drink: beer is not safer than liquor

amount of alcohol in every productEX:12 oz beer- 6% alcohol. amount of alcohol = ?1.25 oz cocktail- 40%. amount of alcohol = ?

0.5 oz

how to calculate alcohol content

drink volume x percent alcohol

true or false: you get drunk faster from liquor than other types of alcohol


how long for an adult to metabolize 1 drink

1 hour

how long for a teen to metabolize 1 drink

90 minutes

about __% of alcohol is ______ absorbed into your blood through the lining of your stomach


12 factors that affect BAC

1) amount of food in stomach2) body size/ weight3) age4) gender5) amount you drink6) tolerance7) rate of consumption8) health9) metabolism10) altitude 11) other drug interactions12) percentage of alcohol

5 physical/ anatomical causes hangovers

1) barrier forms around brain cells thus causing them to shrink due to dehydration2) body system and body organs dehydrate3) oxygen levels are used up in the brain and other parts of the body4) brain builds up toxins, one being formaldehyde5) alcohol is a poison which can make you sick

14 symptoms and signs of a hangover

1) headache2) nausea3) upset stomach4) dizziness5) loss of memory6) fatigue7) vomiting8) sensitivity to noise9) sensitivity to light10) hot and cold flashes11) thirsty12) blood shot eyes13) pale skin color14) diarrhea

drivers ages 16-19 with a BAC of __ - __ are 7 times more likely to be killed in a car crash than any aged sober driver

0.02% - 0.05%

If a BAC of 0.08% then __-__ times more likely to be killed in a car crash than any aged sober driver

40 - 50

If a BAC of 0.12% then __-__ times more likely to be killed in a car crash than any aged sober driver

90 - 95

On any given Friday or Saturday in Jacksonville from 6 pm to 6 am 1 in every __ - __ cars you pass has a drunk driver

5 - 10 (7)

At any time on any major highway in Florida 1 in every __ - __ cars you pass has a drunk driver

95 - 105 (100)

One person dies every __ _____ from an alcohol related traffic accident; about __ (__ - __) people a day

23 minutes63 (60 - 65)

only thing that sobers you up


One person dies every __ _____ from an alcohol related traffic accident; about __ (__ - __) people a day

23 minutes, 63 (60-65)