Core 1 Prelim PDHPE


state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or informity

World health Organization

(WHO) commited to "Health for ALL


full and balance integration of all aspects of health, physical, emotional health, social health, spiritual health


The sum of physical, emotional social and spiritual health, How the person feels


State of discomfort resulting from disease, deterioration, or injury which impairs the person's health

Types of Illnesses

Acute, Chronic, Terminal

Acute illness

one that comes on suddenly and last a short time

Chronic illness

one that comes on slowly and last a long time

Primary Illness

one that develops independently of any other disease

Secondary illness

disorder that develops from a preexisting condition


the diapperance of signs and symptoms associated with a particular disease.


refers to the rate or numbers of people affected


incidence of deaths, people who died from a particular dsease or condition

Hereditary condition

disorder acquired from the genetic codes of one or both parents