Lava Note Cards Last 6ths Weeks

vehement (adj)
ment - act of, result

strongly emotional; intense or passionate

socialism (n)
ism - system, manner, condition

a system of social organization that puts the ownership and control of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole

realist (n)
ist - one who, that which

a person who tends to views things as they really are

plagiarism (n)
ism - system, manner, condition

the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author saying they are one's own original work

panelist (n)
ist - one who, that which

A member of a panel

opportunist (n)
ist - one who, that which

A person who adapts his actions to take advantage of opportunities

heroism (n)
ism - system, manner, condition

heroic conduct; courageous action

formulate (v)
ate - cause, make

to devise or develop

evangelism (n)
ism - system, manner, condition

the preaching of the gospel; missionary excitement for a cause

elitist (n)
ist - one who, that which

pride in belonging to a select or favored group

elaborate (adj)
ate - cause, make

worked out with great care and detail

differentiate (v)
ate - cause, make

to mark differently from other such things; distinguish

contentment (n)
ment - act of, result

the state of being satisfied

articulate (adj)
ate - cause, make

using language easily and fluently

argument (n)
ment - act of, result

a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point

anticipate (v)
ate - cause, make

to expect; to look forward to

amendment (n)
ment - act of, result

a change made by correction, addition, or deletion

advocate (v)
ate - cause, make

to speak or write in favor of; to recommend publicly