black, naturally polled, excellent marbling, standard for marbling, maternal breed, easy fleshing, largest number of annual registrations in US, easy keeper, heavy muscle
red with white face, moderate size, adaptable, good disposition, poorest marbling of British breeds, second largest annual registrations
three major colors-red, white, and roan, moderate size, good disposition, good milk production, appendix registry that allows outside genetics to be introduced
cross of three Indian breeds, red and gray strains, black pigmentation, horned, heat tolerance, disease and insect resistant, good crossing ability, poor marbling, slow sexual maturity, thrive in hot, humid environments
best of both worlds (cattle), 5/8 Angus, 3/8 Brahman, black and naturally polled, good mothering ability, moderate size, early sexual maturity, heat tolerance, forage ability, intermediate carcass merit, most widespread composite breed in US
Santa Gertrudis
5/8 Shorthorn, 3/8 Brahman, dark red, polled or horned, developed on King Ranch, traces back to a single sire (Monkey), maternal ability, productivity under heat, overall hardiness
developed in Texas, adaptable, 50% Brahman, 25% Shorthorn, 25% Hereford, no set color pattern, longevity, hardiness, maternal ability, and rapid growth, 6 essentials: weigh, conformation, fertility, hardiness, disposition, milking ability
white, off-white to cream coloration, fast growing. muscular, fast maturing, large framed, large mature size, lean and muscular carcasses, marbling can be a problem
off-white hair coat and black skin pigmentation, one of world's oldest breeds, large framed, late maturing, fast growing, impact on show cattle industry, lean and muscular carcasses, suspect marbling, not maternal breed
reddish gold, moderate size, below average maternally, lacking in milk production, extremely lean and muscular, hard to grade choice, fastest growing breed in US, third in annual registration
Texas Longhorn
long distinct horns, many different colors, lived as feral cattle, were driven north for slaughter, diluted nearly to extinction, purebred maintained in wildlife refuge, slow growing, light birth weights, light muscled, hardiness and longevity, utilizes f
Brown Swiss
large docile breed, known for strength and vigor, brown to dark brown, light muzzle, average lactation 305 days
dominant dairy cattle breed, black and white color pattern, easy going nature, unparalleled milk producing ability, 305 day lactation period (other 60 days called drying off, let her body regain fat storage, calf), lowest percentage of butterfat, milk isn
small, refined animal, femininity, light tan to dark fawn, highest percentage of butterfat, milk is sought for manufacturing, many herds in Texas (Bluebell!), fertile, early maturing, withstand head and humidity, popular in the south, DHIA
white color, huge drooping ears, most prolific swine breed, lots of babies, confinement adaptable, extra vertebrae
mother breed", white, erect ears, large white in England, basis breed, large litters, lean carcasses, good feed conversion
reddish brown, drooping ears, good growth rate, sire breed, fatter, not very popular
Hampshire (swine)
black with a white belt, erect ears, lean and muscular carcasses, sire breed
black and white spotted, erect ears, very muscular and lean, stress positive (falls over and dies, Porcine Stress Syndrome, Pale Soft and Exudative, blotchy skin, breathe hard, die), sire breed
most dominant breed, number one in wool production, fine fleeces, smaller, slower growing, hardy, long lived sheep, white faced, skin folds so doesn't work in Texas
descended from Spain Merino, dominant range ewe in Western US and Texas, fine wool, number one in US, dual-purpose, excellent fine-wool fleeces, acceptable growth, white faced breeds, no skin folds
developed in Idaho, crossbred foundation, largest of crossbred breeds, relatively prolific, faster growing, white faced
ability to breed out of season, prolificacy, milking ability, white faced, light shearing, open fleece
Hampshire (sheep)
sire breed, rapid growth, muscularity, dark brown to black, wool cap
one of the oldest sheep breeds, medium to small sized, light brown face and legs, meaty, lightweight carcasses, low maintenance
old breed, sire breed, free of wool on head and legs, black head and legs, alert and active, grow very fast, lean and muscular carcasses, prolific and heavy milking, poor fleeces, spider gene "walking tall", hereditary chondrodysplasia, recessive lethal g
incredible prolificacy, milking ability, maternal instincts, lambing, poor fleeces, slow growing, light muscled, intensive management
synthetic breed, intensive management, five goals: high lifetime prolificacy, good lamb crop at one year of age, ability to lamb more frequently than once a year, good growth rate of lambs, good carcass quality, breed out of season
mohair (luxurious fiber commanding a higher price than wool, finest hair from kid goats, gets coarser as the goats get older) sheared twice a year, grow an inch of hair a month, range conditions, utilize great deal of browse, over 90% of population used t
South African Boer Goat
fast-growing, meat-type, prominent horns, drooping ears, brown head, white body, meat-type confirmation
does good milkers, medium to large, erect ears
Spanish Goat
used in US to refer to goats of mixed breed origin, high variable, hearty and tough, both males and females have horns, prolific
most popular registered dairy goat, high butterfat, distinctive long drooping ears, Roman nose, "Jersey of milk goats
Nez Pierce Indians, spotted, often blanket on rump
oldest breed of horse, blood carried by most light horse breeds, general purpose, known for endurance, distinctive head and neck, solid colors preferred
American Paint Horse
originally quarter horse with too much white, quarter horse or thoroughbred parent, two basic color patterns (tobiano, overo)
unequaled at speed over intermediate distances, almost all trace back to Eclipse, run in all shapes and sizes
American Quarter Horse
saddle horses, working cow horses, King Ranch, agility, early speed, "cow sense", ability of horse to "work a cow
became most popular breed from 1910 to the 30s, light sorrel with flaxen mane and tail, easy to handle, very strong, less leg action
Budweiser Hitch", extensive white face and leg markings, has "feathering" on legs to create bell-bottomed effect, lighter weight, more nervous and too difficult for most American farmers to handle
most popular poultry breed, single comb, most prolific egg-laying breed, large white eggs
White Cornish
sire line in broiler production, fast growing, broad breasted, heavy muscled, known for mass and protein
Broad Breasted White Turkey
muscular, high growth rate, white feathers, no longer capable of natural reproduction, problem with leg structure, Thanksgiving