being small for one's age because of inadequate nutrition
basic cellular unit of the brain and NS that specializes in receiving and transmitting information
cell body
center of the neuron that keeps the neuron alive
end of the neuron that receives information' it looks like a tree with many branches
neural plate
flat group of cells present in prenatal development that becomes the brain and spinal cord
fatty sheath that wraps around neurons and enables them to transmit information more rapidly
synaptic pruning
gradual reduction in the number of synapses, beginning in infancy and continuing until early adolescence
the study of brain waves recorded from electrodes that are placed on the scalp
functional magnetic resonance imaging
method of studying brain activity by using magnetic field to track blood flow in the brain
experience-expectant growth
process by which the wiring of the brain is organized by experiences that are common to most humans
experience-dependent growth
process by which an individual's unique experiences over a lifetime affect brain structures and organization
compared to older children and adults, and infants head and trunk are ______
disproportionately large
because of the high demands of growth, infants need _____ calories per pound than adults
the most effective treatment for malnutrition in improved diet and _____
parent training
the _____ is the part of the neuron that contains the basic machinery to keep the cell alive
cell body
the frontal cortex is the seat of personality and regulates _____
human speech typically elicits the greatest electrical activity from the _____ of an infants brain
left hemisphere
a good example of brain plasticity is that, although children with brain damage often have impaired cognitive processes _______
they often regain their earlier skills over time