Chemistry is not ___, only ___ so look and act different(definition of chemical change)
Chemistry is not *magic*, only *rearrange* so look and act different(definition of chemical change)
___ yields ___
A ___/___ written above the arrow/yield indicates a ___ to make reaction happen quicker (meeting place for elements)
What is the rearrangement of chemicals to different patterns/groups. There are billions of these. We tried to put them in five categories.
chemical reactions
___ ___-simple substances combine to make more complex compound(80s music example)
synthesis reactions, A+B?AB
__ __-complex compounds are broken down to simpler substances(either elements or compounds) (graveyards/Hamlet quote and Shakespeare)
decomposition reactions AB?A+B
__ __-one element within a compound replaced by another element
single replacement reactions, AB+C?BC+A, AB+C?AC+B
___ ___-elements of two compounds switch partners. Like single replacement but the polyatomics stay together.
double replacement reaction, AB+CD?AD+BC
___ ___-usually organic compound (made of H and C) burns in air (oxygen) to give off the same products (carbon dioxide and water)
combustion reaction, usually: hydrocarbon+O??CO?+H?O
Combustion reactions produce lots of energy to power you (___), plants (___), and cars (___)
breathing, photosynthesis, internal combustion engine
When engines are running with too little oxygen present, it undergoes ___ ___, producting ___ rather than ___
incomplete combustion/smog(CO)/CO?
__- all atoms on left must also be on right
Law of Conservation of Mass
All equations must be balanced. Equal ___ on both sides (not necessarily equal ___ or ___).
To balance equations, change coefficients in ___(never ___) of correct formula to show how many
Guidelines for balancing equations: first, write correct ___ and leave ___ alone
Guidelines for balancing equations: For ionic compounds use ___; covalents: ___
cross and drop/follow prefix
Guidelines for balancing equations: For single elements: ___
just write symbol-do NOT include charge for singles(don't forget diatomics)
Guidelines for balancing equations: balance using ___ so equal on both sides using trial and error
Guidelines for balancing equations: ___ must be in lowest formula
Guidelines for balancing equations: save _ and _ for last and __ __ to make __
H and O/double odds/evens
Guidelines for balancing equations: keep __ when counting